It shows daily traffic for the last month. Over there at the far left you can see the drop to "normal" of 500 or so hits per day. Then the rise back up. But look there at the far right. What is that? Here we see the hourly traffic for the last week:

There's that recent action, that big spike. But what's it about?
It's about NCIS, that's what. Look at this chart, which shows the most popular posts for the day:

The top six posts are about about NCIS, and they've gotten considerably more action than any of the next four. Obviously a bunch of NCIS fans discovered those posts. I expect that this action will die down. I also expect, however, that it will drop down only to 3000-4000 hits a day, not all the way back to 400-700.
Today's total was 8,702 at noon when I took those flix. It's now 9,377 at 3PM as I post them.
We'll see.