I am taking part in the Foodies 100 challenge which involves cooking with Cypriot new potatoes from Tesco.

These are quite a versatile potato that can be cooked in many ways.
Now I could make any recipe I wanted but as I love my traditional English food, I decided to stick to something original and that is a roast "Sunday" dinner.
I chose to make lamb, purchased a medium size lamb leg.
Chopped up 6 onions and placed at the bottom of a roasting dish.
Placed the lamb leg in a frying pan with oil and seared the sides until brown.
Then placed lamb leg on top of onions,-added herbs and butter and slow roasted for approximately 4 hours. I love it when the meat just falls off the bone.
Once the lamb had been cooking for approximately 3 hours: I chopped the new potatoes in half with skin on (after washing) and placed them in a microwaveable bowl. I added a small amount of water (approx 70ml), placed cling film over the bowl and pierced it once. Then put the bowl with potatoes into the microwave for 6 minutes to partially boil them.
Once partially boiled the potatoes were placed in the roasting dish with the lamb and all put back into the oven for approximately 45 minutes. A little oil and more herbs added to the potatoes.
The other vegetables got prepared during the 45 minutes.

The potatoes,still in their skins; came out slightly crispy on the outside and lovely a fluffy inside, just how a roast potato should be.
And it's a scrumptious slow cooked lamb dinner with all the trimmings.