Wee paws for (police) station identification? A 4-year-old, under-4-pound Toy Poodle named Mochi is the latest small dog to join Japan's elite K9 corps. Call it a true underdog story – minus Vince Vaughan and Ben Stiller.
Think “police dog” and the images that come to mind are snarling Doberman Pinschers and intimidating German Shepherds. As any policeman knows, however, there's much more to police work than running down criminals and the big barkers aren't ideal for other essential duties.
That's where Mochi comes in... on tiny paws, deserving of a round of applause. The cute gray-brown Toy Poodle (right) recently passed his police dog exam and becomes the third Toy Poodle to join a Japanese police organization, though Mochi is the first of his breed to specialize in sniffing out drugs, explosives and buried accident victims.
Here's a video showing the cutely-coiffed Mochi being put through his paces on the police dog training course: