Words of warning and caution:“Shut the door on toxic people”.
Toxic people are not healthy to be around nor are toxic environments.
Toxic people include family relatives as well as friends, associates, and acquaintances.
One particular vital thing that I’ve noticed as a caulbearer is my strong empathic nature, how deeply I was able to absorb energy, so sensitive to other people’s thoughts, feelings and vibrations. Those keen sensations have saved my life on many of occasion and have kept me protected from harm and destruction.
I can be far away from someone and feel them and the energy that they exude. It is just in the same as with the energy of any situation that may arise and reveal itself to me.
Universal energy is everywhere and when one is spiritually incline their antennas pick up that current in the form of a radar. It is inherent.
As a positive person I am allergic to negativity and to the people who hold and entertain those type of ill inspiring energies. I sometimes literally get sick being around these people, an awful spiritual reaction of aversion from and toward unsavory individuals and it is so repulsive.
Good energy automatically repels bad energy as it is not tolerable in my case.
A lot of negative people often do not see themselves as such and will think that the one picking up on their bad energy is the one who has the problem.
Sometimes our blessings will not even come to us when we have negative people surrounding within our personal atmosphere until we rid ourselves of their constant presence is when we’re allowed to receive the things that we want and deserve.
Our energy has to have that harmonic alignment and balance within the universe and without disruption to the auric field so that vibrations flow through smoothly and on the proper tract according to our own specific rhythm.
We need to breath in clean fresh air within a spiritually healthy environment and not permit ourselves to take in and be sullied by any of the dirty and nasty pollutants that negative people consume and spew out.
Unfortunately some are born into toxic conditions, have to work in toxic conditions and etc… And none of these instances is by any fault of an individuals own there are circumstances that happen that are beyond our control.
So we have to protect ourselves through continuing to build and maintain strong barriers within our spirituality and belief systems so that we sustain and never become vulnerable to the toxicity of other people’s negative energy.