Debate Magazine

"Tory and UKIP Voters Are All Thick" Vs "Universities Are Hot-beds of Leftie Brainwashing"

Posted on the 17 May 2017 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

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Another goodie from the BBC:
We know that almost three million extra people turned out to vote in the EU referendum [compared to the General Election in the previous year]. Saying who they are - and what happens if they reappear - is where it gets difficult...
The real mystery is whether those additional voters in 2016 will come out again to vote in the 2017 general election - and what difference they could make... Are they people who are totally dissatisfied with the political system and became serial non-voters but were unable to resist the chance to give the establishment a thoroughly good kicking at the referendum?

I suspect that's correct. Although I have only missed voting in one election in twenty four years (it was a local election and I simply forgot), I voted 'Leave' largely for the fun of stirring up the hornets' nest.

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