The Tornado In Goldsby, OK
So as I said in my last little mini-post the other day I have be pretty blog-neglectful recently. If you are a follower you know my wife & I own a photography studio, the start of wedding season has come! I don't know how you do it but I have 3 boys so with Jayden's Aspergers & lord knows what my 5 year old has going on, he is going in to be evaluated in June for Autism, ADD, Anxiety, who knows whats up but we have to find out, a teen aged babysitter is pretty much out of the question. If we could even find a teen that 1. would even consider it or 2. I trusted with my kids (I'm pretty crazy overprotective.) then that would MAYBE be an option but alas no. That is the main reason we still live in our home town of Shawnee Oklahoma, both of our families live here so we have a lot of babysitters when we need to go do photo shoots together or weddings. If at all possible we split up as to not have to drop them off, not because I'm an awesome dad but mainly because grandma's spoil them &, as I'm sure you know, when you spoil an ASD kid it's not just spoiled it 3 days trying to get back on track. Between all the weddings we have & the crazy tornadoes we had come through we have been busy. If you care to take a peek at our wedding photos or if you are getting married & want some info (have camera will travel) click here for a sneak peek on our photography blog. Also if you get board check out the article I wrote of Yahoo! News about being on shift with the ambulance service & getting stuck in the ambulance trying to out run the tornadoes.

*ON A SIDE NOTE* -->Beware! The Plate-Men!<--

I had the privilege of being a helper on Jayden's class field trip to the Oklahoma Science Museum. Why did no one tell me that Dad's don't go on these thing!?! I'm sitting in the class room & mom after mom after mom walk in, teacher looks at me and says 'I'm so happy you came! Now the bathroom situation will be so much easier!' NICE! When we did get to the Museum in Oklahoma City (about 40 minutes away) there were like 50 school buses there, I had to park across the street at a horse racing track! You know I looked awesome running to the Museum like I just ducked into the track to play the ponies a little before I phoned in this whole 2nd grade field trip thing. Stroll up to the buses parked outside when the teacher walks up to me and says 'We just got a call from the school, all the kids lunches are still sitting in the hall!' Q Home Simpson moment D'oh! Apparently our bus driver who looked like he was pushing 13 years old & had his ear buds in probably rockin' out to some Wayne Newton or what ever kids are listening to these days was to busy to load em' up before we rolled out. So after some debate on what to do I decided to jump in the car & run back. 40 min drive in 24 minute flat! Not safe but hey, I drive an ambulance! Not sure if that would fly if I got pulled over, 'No worries officer I'm a medic headed to a 2nd grade field trip, stand aside.' After getting back just in time for lunch we had a great time. Spaceships, airplanes, science experiments, & dinosaur bones we did it all!

I am working on a couple of ebooks. Sooo close to being done with them! I thought I would be putting them up with this blog but alas no. Possably tomorrow. Just a few 4-5 page pdf books about everything from everyday strategies for parents with asperger's kids to a parents guide to photographing autistic kids. I'm also working on one that gives some helpful stuff Samantha & I have learned about dealing with her being a step-parent of an ASD kid so that should be cool to. If YOU have any ideas that you would like to see a little in depth article on you should drop me a line at [email protected] As always, thanks for reading & don't forget to look me up on Facebook & Twitter.