Family Magazine

Top Tips for Reducing Household Odors

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Top Tips for Reducing Household Odors

Whether you want to impress guests or make your home suitable for visiting loved ones, you do not want to have a stinky home. If you've noticed that there are offensive odors in your home, don't panic. You can remedy these terrible smells in a few different ways.

Clean Your Carpets

It may surprise you to learn that the fibers in your home's carpeting can be causing some of your bad house odors. Your carpeting is made out of cloth fibers, much like your clothing. And, just like your clothing, odor molecules tend to cling to the cloth fibers in your carpeting, allowing the odors to linger long after the creator of the aroma has gone. Your carpet will absorb molecules from many different potent aromas until they combine into an amalgamation of odors that is unpleasant and strong. You can remove this terrible odor from your home by giving your home's carpeting a deep steam cleaning every few months. With the right amount of steam heat and cleaning solution, you will wash the odor molecules from the carpet fibers to leave behind a fresh, clean scent.

Maintain Proper Pet Hygiene

Your pets are a part of your family. Just like your spouse and your children, your pets have a special place in your heart and in your home. Unfortunately, pets can also cause your home to stink very badly. Pets tend to produce their own unique type of smell due to their skin oils, age, breed, and level of mischief. Pets who like to get into stinky areas, like garbage cans and stinky shoes, are going to smell a lot worse than pets who mind their own business. To help combat the unpleasant odors created by your beloved pets, dedicate some of your time to ensuring that their hygiene is properly maintained. Pet hygiene measures that help to reduce their odors include regular bathing, brushing their fur, keeping them on a healthy diet, and the trimming of the fur around their hindquarters. Furthermore, consider having your canine companions wear waterproof dog collars to prevent moisture from getting trapped. This will greatly reduce the odors emanating from your pet.

Embrace the Fresh Air

The different odors in your home will begin to accumulate over time. This is especially true when the extreme temperatures of the summer and winter seasons require you to keep your windows and doors shut to maintain the interior temperature of your home. When the stinky smells in your home become too much, dedicate at least 30 minutes to opening your windows to allow the stagnant indoor air to escape. This also allows rejuvenating fresh exterior air to blow into your home. The smells within your home will be drawn out of your home through the open windows and replaced with the fresher, cleaner air that's outside. It's important to do this at least once a week to keep your home from smelling stale and terrible.

Invest in Odor Neutralizers

In the battle against odors, many people will reach for scented sprays or candles. These items only mask odors. You want to invest in items that neutralize the odors and remove them completely. Baking soda and lemons are fantastic natural odor neutralizers. Baking soda should be sprinkled on or near stinky areas. A half-cut lemon can be set out to allow its scent molecules to permeate the air and destroy odor molecules.

Image: Pixabay



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