Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday – Releases I’m On The Fence About

By Jazmin-Jade

Top Ten Tuesday – Releases I’m On The Fence About

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish, but has now been taken over by That Artsy Reader Girl where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Upcoming Releases I’m On The Fence About Adding To My TBR

This one was both easy and hard to make. I had zero idea what books were coming out this year and oh my god there are so many! It was easy to find books to add to this list because there were so many things to choose from, the hard part was actually going through all the new books. This list is in no particular order, and there are many more than ten so I have just selected random ones to put here. They all pretty much have the same issue, I can see how they can go wrong if they are not done properly.

1. No One Here is Lonely by Sarah Everett. This one sounds like it can be really good but I am worried it might be too out there for me.

2. Nick and June Were Here by Shalanda Stanley. This sounds like something I could really enjoy but I can see where a lot of things could go wrong and be boring and basic.

3. How to Make Friends With the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow. We are basically given nothing about this book by the synopsis, which both caught my attention but has also made me worried.

4. The Fever King by Victoria Lee. I like the idea but the general idea has been done before so I would hope this one takes it in a different direction.

5. We Must Be Brave by Frances Liardet. This one will either be really interesting or really boring. I don’t think it will have an in between.

6. How to be Luminous by Reuter Hapgood. If this is done right, I think this would be a good read. If it was done right though.

7. Other Words For Smoke by Sarah Marie Griffin. This sounds really strange but maybe its a good strange.

8. If You’re Out There by Katy Loutzenhiser. I can see a lot of things that could sorta go wrong with this one but it still caught my attention.

9. Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith. This has the potential to have a lot of over done things in it.

10. You Owe Me a Murder by Eileem Cook. This one isn’t my go to genre but it sorta sounds interesting.

Be sure to share your lists! I haven’t really read that many spooky books so I would love some recommendations for Halloween reads.

If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.

Tuesday Releases Fence About

Till Next Time. . .


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