Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish, but has now been taken over by That Artsy Reader Girl where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:
Top Ten Books That Take Place In Another Country
I feel like this weeks challenge is both going to be easier for me and harder because I live in Australia so not many book take place here, but harder because I don’t think I read a lot of books that take place in different parts of the world. Challenge accepted though, hopefully I can think of 10 books I have read that have taken place around the world. I will try not to reuse countries.
1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Scotland to the rescue!
2. Mao’s Last Dancer by Li Cunxin. Now I know a good chunk of this book also takes place in America, not just China, but its all about his life there in relation to his life and upbringing in China so it counts ok!
3. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. United Kingdom. Ok, I am really struggling haha I may only try for five.
4. Nana by Ai Yazawa. Japan! Manga totally counts ok.
5. Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway. Ok we have reached America and now I think I have to stop before I explode my brain.
Ok, so I failed to get to 10. I could just name 10 books all from the same country but seems a bit pointless. In what country doesn’t really matter to me so much. I read it and the information just gets thrown straight out again because I have never been to any of these places so I have no idea what they are talking about in reference to anything so it might as well just be a made up place haha.
Be sure to share your lists! I want to see if there are any books on anyone elses lists that I have read and should have put on my list this week.
If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.
Till Next Time. . .
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