Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday – Frequently Used Words In Titles

By Jazmin-Jade

Top Ten Tuesday – Frequently Used Words In Titles

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish, but has now been taken over by That Artsy Reader Girl where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Frequently Used Words In Book Titles on my Shelves

This week you were supposed to pick a genre or a reading age group and find common words used in whatever you picked, but I thought it would be more interesting for me to look at what is on my shelves and find what words I am apparently attracted to. This list probably isn’t the most accurate as I found it hard to actually the words that appear more than once then keep track of which ones I have already counted. I have also counted plurals and singulars in the same group, for example, shadow and shadows have been mashed together. Lets get started after my large disclaimer~

1. Heart – Takes the winning place appearing on my shelves a total of 8 times.

2. Fire – Liking fantasy I think really helped out here with a total of 7 times.

3. Glass – 7 times. Series of books helped out a little here.

4. City – 7 times. Cassandra Clare is pretty much solely responsible for this word appearing so high on the list.

5. King – times. Again, fantasy.

6. Queen – 6 times. Gotta be equal. I will be honest and a say that my multiple copies of Red Queen helped a little.

7. Shadows – times.

8. Study – 5 times. Maria V. Snyder and her Study series making a strong appearance. It is literally every single one haha.

9. Storm – 4 times.

10. Court – 4 times. Sarah J. Maas pretty much holds this place.

What words are you attracted to when picking out books? I chose to leave out my manga because you can have literally 22 things with the same name and thought it would be pointless. I also didn’t use any words that were not a serious part of the title like ‘the.’

Be sure to share your lists!

If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.

Tuesday Frequently Used Words Titles

Till Next Time. . .


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