Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday – Books To Revisit

By Jazmin-Jade


Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:

Top Ten Books From My Younger Days I Want To Revisit

I think this list is going to be really hard for me. I don’t really remember many of the books I read as a child or some of the books I read as a teen…. I feel like i may have to cheat or something and just try and fill in the spaces. Be sure to check out the links to my giveaways at the bottom of the page.

1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. While I didn’t read this book until I was in high school it was read to me every night when I was a child so I would love to revisit this one.

2. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Sort of cheating with this one. I first read it in…. highschool I think but I have read it many times since then. I need to get another copy of the book since mine fell to pieces. Its one of my favourites.

3. The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. I started reading this book in highschool but I never ended up finishing it which is just so stupid because I remember really liking it!

4. The Belgariad Series by David Eddings. Again, highschool reads. I remember really liking most of this series, and I even have the follow up one but I want to reread it before I start on the next.



5. The Redemption of Althalus by David Eddings. I read this after the Belgariad series because I went on a huge Eddings spree and I loved it. The size is keeping me away at the moment but I really want to read it again.

6. The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist. While I think a great big chunk of the first one bored me to tears I would like to revisit it.

7. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. It is has been quite a while and I have the movies firmly out of my mind so I think its time I do these again.

redemption of althalus
The Magician


Since most of these are series I am going to end this list here. I showed you mine so now show me yours :)

Also, if you are interested I am holding two giveaways because my blog is now two years old and I love you guys!

Silver Shadows giveaway
Ruby Circle giveaway

If you want any of the books listed please click on the thingyami below.



Till Next Time…

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