Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created over at Broke and the Bookish where every Tuesday, Top Ten things of anything are listed. Todays Top Ten things are:
Top Ten Book Related Problems I Have
- Never Enough Books – I think this will be at the top at a lot of readers issues when it comes to books, I never have enough of them! I buy and I buy but still there are ones that I want and need.
- Broke – This constant need to buy books thus in turn makes me broke pretty much all the time. I will generally put buying a book I want ahead of other things.
- Space – Another one that stems from my first issue. The more books I buy, the less space there is for them on my shelf. I just moved from Melbourne and I got rid of at least a half of one of the bookcases I had because those books no longer interested me. I just got a much larger bookcase compared to the ones I had in Melbourne and not all my books fit on it. I must now go out and buy more bookcases.
- Time/TBR – I never have enough time to read all the books I want to thusly making my TBR pile grow and grow.
- Borrowing/Lending – People come into my home, see my little personal library and assume that I will let them borrow my books. Not going to happen until I see how you care for your own books. What? You don’t have any? Get out of my house.
- People Understanding – The general public around in my day to day life just don’t understand my love for books, but luckily I have you guys <3
- OCD Issues – Books can me diverse in size, covers and all those things and that is partly why we love them. However, when it comes to series especially when the sizes and covers and those kind of things do not much this completely ruins my world. I just stare at my books for hours dying at how unhappy I am with them because they don’t match or fit in with the rest. I have spent much money trying to fix these issues for series.
- Reading Slump – I go into slumps and its like the books on my shelf start yelling at me. Read me, read me! Damn TBR pile.
- Falling Short – This issue relates to me being super excited about reading this book, I read it, and it is not what I wanted at all. This could be because of hype but still, so annoying.
- Never Ending Cycle – All the things on this list, and probably more that I can’t think of right now, are never ending. One leads to the other and then the other and so on.
Thank you for dropping by my TTT, I would love to know your book related issues (I actually had more trouble thinking of some than I thought I would), so be sure to link me to your TTT so I can check it out :)
Till Next Time…