This week on Top Ten Tuesday, The Broke and the Bookish
Now, I went through my Goodreads list and found out two things: 1) I read A LOT of series and 2) There aren't any books that don't have sequels that I want to have sequels.
I found that with every standalone novel there weren't any that I felt I wanted/needed more story. I was content with what I got from the characters/story and clearly the author was as well. Another installment of these novels would, I think, diminish the joy and love I felt from them.
For instance, the Gone with the Wind sequel, Scarlett, hurts my heart. Yes, it wasn't written by Margaret Mitchell, but it was authorized by her estate. My mom told me not to read it, but I did and it was awful. They should have left Rhett and Scarlett alone. The book added nothing and only served to anger me and diminish the characters I had grown to love. I'm sure Mitchell was turning in her grave.
Recently, I heard word that Chuck Palahniuk is writing a sequel to Fight Club. I care little about the fact that it'll be in graphic novel form. I just straight up don't want it.
So while I don't have any books that I wish had sequels, what about you? Anything story you wish there was another installment of?