Keeping the kids engaged is one of the most difficult tasks. This becomes all the more challenging during the long summer vacations. It is necessary to keep the kids off the television and engage them in activities that help in physical and mental growth and development.
Super Fun Summer Activities for Preschoolers

If you are looking for such activities to keep the kids busy and help them learn and grow simultaneously then here are some good options. We bring to you top summer camp activities for pre-schoolers and kids.
Treasure hunt is a fun game. The game gets interesting especially when played in a large group. This is one game that can keep the kids busy for long. It boasts both physical and mental strength. It particularly challenges the kids brain and hones their analytical skills.
Besides, they can play this over and over and still not get bored. You can play it indoor as well as outdoor. However, it is more fun to play this out in a garden setting. This gives ample opportunity to hide things at different kinds of places.
Art and craft is one of the best summer camp activities for pre-schoolers and kids. It is best to give the kids something to draw and colour. You can give them random topics and ask them to use their imagination to come up with different drawings on the same.

This brings out their creative side. Alternatively, you can give them a picture and ask them to draw the same. You can even make them paint things like flower vase, earthen pots and small clothing items.
Involving them in craft activities is also a good idea. Teach them to make new things using paper, ice cream sticks, decorative material and even waste material.
This way they will learn to make new things and enjoy at the same time. Besides, the joy of taking home new and innovative things is great. This is one reason why most kids look forward to this activity.
You can never go wrong with puzzles. It is a good idea to get different kinds of jigsaw puzzles for kids belonging to different age-groups. There are very simple ones with just three-four big pieces. These are apt for the pre-schoolers. They keep getting more and more intricate as the level goes up.
Puzzles are a good way to keep the kids engaged for long period of time. It is also a good way to develop their cognitive skills, problem solving ability and motor skills.
Keep a basket full of different grocery or stationary items in front of the kids for a minute or two. Ask them to take a close look at all the things. Thereafter, take the basket away.

It is quiz time now. Ask them to jot down the names of the items on a piece of paper. Pre-schoolers can tell the names verbally. This game boasts the power to grasp things and memorize. It is a good mental exercise for the kids.
Science experiments are fun. They give an opportunity to learn and enjoy at the same time. Some ideas for science experiments for kids can be air pressure experiment, balloon inflation experiment, gravity experiment with simple things such as a tube, colour changing milk experiment and innovative sound experiments.
You can show them the experiment once and then ask them to do it on their own. They can practice these experiments in group as well as individually.
Kids must learn the importance of growing trees and keeping the environment clean and green. What can be a better way to invoke their interest in the same than indulging them in gardening? Bring some pots, seeds and soil. Make the kids fill up the pots with the soil and sow the seeds.
Let them water their respective pots every day. See the joy on their face as the seeds sprout into plants. Alternatively, you can take them out to plant tree saplings. As you do this, tell them the importance of planting more and more of these.
Bowling is a fun activity. These gaming sets are easily available in the market. Bring one that is light weight and set it up in one corner. Let the kids enjoy the game as and when they like during the day.

Bowling helps in developing eye hand coordination. It also builds physical strength. Moreover, it is fun to play. You can give points to kids to invoke the spirit of competition.
Kids love this activity. And it is not that difficult to set up. It is a good exercise for mind as well as body. You can use furniture and other easily available things such as ropes to create a fun hurdle house. It should be such that the kids get a chance to jump, crawl, run and balance to accomplish the task. Make the experience enjoyable and interesting.
You can regularly conduct quizzes for pre-schoolers and kids in the summer camp. You can give them simple topics to research and learn. Ask questions related to the given topic and give them a chance to answer. Give them points accordingly and reward the one who gets the highest points.

This is a good way to enhance their grasping power and ability to memorize. The urge to do better than others will help them focus better. As their knowledge increases and they give more and more answers in the class, they will also feel more confident.
This game requires the kids to hit the target. Let them hit the target turn by turn. Give them points as they hit the bull's eye. It is a good way to develop eye hand coordination. It is also a good way to develop a sense of competition and boast confidence.

So, you can choose a bunch of these ideas or use all of these on different days. Do tell us which one of these you like the most and also which ones you are planning to try. If you have any other summer camp activity ideas for pre-schoolers and kids then do share them with us. We would love to hear from you.