It's no secret- my dog has spent a LOT of time at the vet. I've spent more money on Hazel's health care than I'd like to admit, or would even like to know. She's had her share of health problems, emergencies, and accomplishments with weight loss- that I'm super jealous of. Can someone measure my food in a cup and only feed me twice a day, please?
While I can't narrow down the reasons why I love my veterinary clinic to only five, I tried my best to select the top five reasons why I think my vet's the best!

5. My veterinary team offered me so much. Like a really accommodating appointment schedule that's allowed me emergency appointments (which I've booked a few times), laser therapy, chiropractic therapy, on-site dog training that I never used but was glad it was there, and a dog side without any cats, so Hazel wouldn't be distracted by trying to eat them. They have really high standards of care and are accredited with the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) which is a huge factor for me when I select a clinic.

4. My veterinary team celebrated my successes with me. Like Hazel's weight loss, how she adapted to living with her disability, and when one of her urine samples would finally come back without bacteria. Her progress and recovery were these special moments that we shared together. They made her- and I- feel special. They're an advocate for my pet and the best cheerleaders!

3. My veterinary team did 12 urinalysis, over 20 x-ray, bloodwork, and countless full physical exams on my 90 plus pound Saint Bernese with a puppy personality and they did it with patience. They never made me feel that big dog discrimination that we large dog owners sometimes feel. And let me tell you, after 20-some x-rays, my dog is not the most cooperative patient.

2. My vet saved my dog's life. Hazel, my little dumpster diver, ate a corncob out of the garbage that resulted in a GI obstruction that almost took her life. My veterinary team worked through their lunch to perform the foreign body surgery that saved her life. I'll never forget it. I almost lost my little bear.

1. My veterinarian gave me exactly what I needed the most during my most difficult moment. My vet really loved Keira- the entire team did. My vet cried real tears with me when we had to say goodbye to Keira. She sincerely felt my loss. She knew that euthanizing Keira was going to be the hardest decision I ever had to make. She made me feel supported and cared for in a way that went above and beyond her duty as a health care professional- and so did the registered vet techs in the room that day. I love my veterinary team because they have compassion that is genuine and unrelenting.

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