french language: Le Bon usage (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
learn French languageTherefore, we’re going to tackle here one of the most important topics a learner should learn in French language: the verbs. Pretty sure languages schools will discuss this topic, but for now, allow you to be knowledgeable of the 99 most frequently used French verbs that learners should really know. Here are your long lists:
1. Être (to be)
2. Avoir (to have)
3. Faire (to do)
4. Dire (to say)
5. Pouvoir (to be able to)
6. Aller (to go)
7. Voir (too see)
8. Savoir (to know)
9. Vouloir (to want)
10. Venir (to come)
11. Falloir (to be necessary)
12. Devoir (must)
13. Croire (to believe)
14. Trouver (to find)
15. Donner (to give)
16. Prendre (to take)
17. Parler (to speak)
18. Aimer (to love, to like)
19. Passer (to pass)
20. Mettre (to put)
21. Demander (to ask)
22. Tenir (to hold)
23. Sembler (to seem)
24. Laisser (to let)
25. Rester (to stay)
26. Penser (to think)
27. Entendre (to hear)
28. Regarder (to look)
29. Répondre (to answer)
30. Rendre (to return)
31. Connaître (to know)
32. Paraître (to appear)
33. Arriver (to arrive)
34. Sentir (to feel)
35. Attendre (to wait)
36. Vivre (to live)
37. Chercher (to search)
38. Sentir (this time meant as “to smell”)
39. Comprendre (to understand)
40. Porter (to carry)
41. Devenir (to become)
42. Entrer (to enter)
43. Retenir (to keep)
44. Écrire (to write)
45. Appeler (to call)
46. Tomber (to fall)
47. Reprendre (to resume; to recapture)
48. Commencer (to begin)
49. Suivre (to follow)
50. Montrer (to show)
51. Partir (to leave)
52. Mourir (to die)
53. Ouvrir (to open)
54. Lire (to read)
55. Arrêter (to stop)
56. Servir (to serve)
57. Jeter (to throw)
58. Recevoir (to receive)
59. Monter (to go up)
60. Lever (to raise)
61. Agir (to act)
62. Perdre (to lose)
63. Écouter (to listen)
64. Continuer (to continue)
65. Sourire (to smile)
66. Apercevoir (to perceive)
67. Reconnaître (to recognize)
68. Ajouter (to add)
69. Jouer (to play)
70. Marcher (to walk)
71. Garder (to keep)
72. Manquer (to miss)
73. Retrouver (to retrieve)
74. Descendre (to go down)
75. Rappeler (to remind)
76. Quitter (to quit)
77. Tourner (to turn)
78. Finir (to finish)
79. Crier (to scream)
80. Courir (to run)
81. Permettre (to allow)
82. Songer (to think of sth)
83. Offrir (to offer)
84. Présenter (to present)
85. Apprendre (to learn)
86. Souffrir (to suffer)
87. Exister (to exist)
88. Envoyer (to send)
89. Expliquer (to explain)
90. Manger (to eat)
91. Valoir (to be worth sth)
92. Oublier (to forget)
93. Rentrer (to go back)
94. Pousser (to push)
95. Occuper (to occupy)
96. Compter (to count)
97. Empêcher (to prevent)
98. Plaire (to please)
99. Travailler (to work)