This is our selection of the top 5 WTF moments of True Blood episode 7.01 – “Jesus Gonna Be Here”.
What were your best WTF moments? Post about it in the comments.
Tara dies the true death
The opening credits haven’t even rolled yet or a major character kicks the bucket. Tara dies for the second time and this time it’s the true death. But WTF HBO…. don’t we get to see it? Every major character that exited the stage has had a memorable death, so why did Tara have to leave through the backdoor? It just isn’t right.

Alcide thinks thoughts
WTF you dumb wolf! You look your telepathic girlfriend right in the eyes while you think that she is to blame for the mess they are in. Way to go, loverboy!

Sookie takes a night stroll
There is a ferocious gang of Hep-V infected vamps on the prowl and what do you do Sookie? You walk home alone, in the dark, at night, smelling like dessert and you throw your cellphone in the bushes. Haven’t you learned anything from the past 6 seasons?

Jason takes charge
WTF Violet, you want the man to take charge? Couldn’t you just have said so instead of humiliating him and making him suffer? You are so not the right girl for our Jason, he deserves better.

R.I.P. Deputy Kevin Ellis
Rest in peace Deputy Kevin, thank you for your service to the Bon Temps community.