Reviewed by Zafr on
Jun 15
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Top 5 Techniques to Generate Traffic
Top 5 Techniques that you can use to bring traffic to your website. Whether there is a flood or a trickle really depends on your ability to give your visitors something they can use or enjoy. It is important to remember that your customers are not stupid. They will know whether what you are offering is something they want, or if it is a cheap advertising ploy. If it is, they will pass the word along. If it is not useful, they will leave your site and say nothing to others about you.
The key to all of these techniques is to give something that adds to the user‟s experience. This can be by offering useful information, telling them about something new and exciting, or something that is entertaining or humorous, but the key is to make it the highest quality possible.

Look though the list of items listed and think about which ones will work for you. Chances are, not all of them will work for everyone. Some of them will naturally go together, others will not.
Top 5 Techniques to Generate Traffic:-
1) Provide Quality Content, Products, Or Services
Providing quality content, products, or service is by far the best way to build your reputation, and build repeat traffic to your site. Research has shown that on average, when someone has a positive experience they will tell two other people about that experience. On the other hand, if they have had a bad experience, they will tell seven other people. That act of telling others is how the traffic generation techniques start. If your customers never tell anyone else about you and your site, you are back to doing all of the marketing on your own.
To build returning customers to your site, you need to establish a reputation as an expert in your field, very entertaining, or someone who has unique insights. That does not happen if all you are offering is cheap, recycled drivel that you found on someone else‟s website. Make sure that what you offer is your own work, and something that is different from what can be found on every other website.
2) Give Something Away
One of the best early examples of building a business by giving something away is gave away Free File Storage of upto 50GB for Free Users. Today millions of users have addresses.
What made successful was one of the early successes of viral traffic building on the internet. At the bottom of every File that was sent through one of the free accounts was a message telling others how they could get a free account. Every time a user Upload a File, they were helping spread the name of
How did make any money off of free accounts? They did it by offering premium services to their customers such as additional storage space and bandwidth. became successful enough that in 2013, less than 6 Months after it was created, it boasted over 10 million users and the Owner is KimDotcom (Previously Owned by It is one of the top File Sharing Services in the world.
What ever you are offering has to be functional, easy to use, and add value to the user. You customers have to feel that it is worth their time and effort to pass the information along. Then, and only then, will they be willing to tell their friends and family what they have found.
3) Require A Referral
An added twist to the idea of giving something away for free to your customers is to require them to refer someone to you in exchange for what you are giving away. Simply provide a space where they can enter the Email Address of one or more people that they have to fill out before receiving the item you are offering. This is especially effective when your free item is something the person can download instantly.
This technique not only puts your message in front of the eyes of potential customers, it also helps you build your own mailing list. You can send an email the people that were referred saying “Your friend (name) saw this, and would like to share it with you. By having the ability to use the friend‟s name, it helps to establish your credibility. This will decrease the possibility of person receiving the invitation tagging your message as spam.
Like many of the techniques listed, this will only work if your visitor thinks what you are offering is of enough value to make it worth giving you information about a friend or family member. Friendships are built on trust, and most people will not be willing to risk that trust on a worthless gadget.
4) Create a Brandable E-Book
Have you noticed the number of sites that offer free e-books to subscribers? Give your Email Address, click the link and you have instant access to an eBook full of useful information. The reason so many sites use this method of advertising is because it works, and here is how you can make it work for you. Write a short eBook on a topic that relates to your business. In that book you include a little information about your business, and at a couple of key places include a link that will drive traffic from the book to your website. Now post it on your website and let anyone interested download a free copy.
Encourage anyone who likes your eBook to offer it as a free gift on their website as well. If the information is useful, and the book is well written, the number of websites that are offering your book will begin to grow.
Be careful not to overdo the information about yourself, or include too many links back to your site. The more about yourself you include, the less likely others will be willing to give your book away for you.
Do a search for eBook compilers to find a program to create your eBook, or find a program that will allow you to save a document as a
PDF. Whichever program you decide to use, make sure it allows you to include active, clickable links. If the person reading the eBook has to copy and paste the link into a browser, many of them will not. Make it as easy as possible for them to get to your site.
Also, make sure the program you use will not let anyone change the information in your eBook. There are less than honest people who will remove references to you and the links to your site, and include their own information into your eBook. Many programs will allow you to safeguard your information, so take advantage of them. PDF Brandable is an good piece of software that allows you to create brandable eBooks.
5) Use Social Bookmark Sites
Something that has really flourished in recent years is the popularity of social bookmark sites like Digg, Stumble Upon, and These sites allow users to search, set bookmarks, organize, read, and rate anything on the internet. If something you have written is posted to one of these sites, other readers get a chance to vote on whether or not they like it. If someone thinks it is good, and worth sharing, they can vote for it. The more people vote for it, the higher up in the rankings it moves. The higher it goes, more people see it. The more people see it, the more opportunities there are for someone else to vote on it, which helps it to rank even higher.
The good part for you is, even if a reader doesn’t vote on your article, they still might go to your site to see if there is anything else there that they might like.
One important thing to note is, these social bookmark sites do not like you to vote for your own articles. In fact, if you do vote for your own, it could cause it to move lower in the rankings. You have to have something that other people find interesting enough that they feel compelled to vote for it.
5 / 5 stars