Happy March, readers!
I am so happy that it is finally March because it is now my birthday month! In just a few short days, I will be able to celebrate the day I have been looking forward to my whole life: becoming 21.

March holds so many exciting opportunities for me! I have my twenty first birthday on the 15th, my super sweet twenty first open bar birthday party with one of my best friends on the 28th, my sorority formal on the 21st, and being able to relax during spring break. On Friday, I go home for spring break and all I can think about is laying in my Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired bedroom, curled up drinking some tea, and reading Dirty Rush, Total Sorority Move‘s newest book that they just sent me in the mail.
Looking forward to all these great times ahead, makes me look back to all the great times I had in February. On my Instagram, I chronicled all that I had done. These are the posts that had received the most likes out of all of my February adventures.

In honor of World Cancer Day on February 4th, I honored my favorite guardian angel who taught me how to wink (but didn’t teach me you can’t exactly wink in photos). I hope that one day a time comes that other daddy’s little girls do not have to loose their number one man to cancer.

For the past two years, I have kept my Alpha Delta Pi letters on my front because I knew I can count on my sisters to have my back. Two years ago in February, I ran home to the organization that completely changed for the better. Deep in my heart, I love my ADPi.
Continue to follow all of my adventures, especially as I enter into the life of being a legal adult, on Instagram or check out January’s Top Instagram pictures!