February 15th, 2016
Tired of watching action and thriller movies? Here is a list of Top 10 inspirational movies of all time. The characters in the movie take you through their journey of success against all odds and hardships. Take a look.
9. Anand - 1971 (IMDb rating : 8.8)
The movie revolves around the life of Anand who is suffering from lymphsarcoma of intestine. Anand tends to be cheerful on outside and is determined to extract as much pleasure from his remaining span of life.

What was the toughest task you ever did? Was it about scoring good grades in high school or getting promotion in the office? Well, your tough task is nothing when you compare it to what Dashrath Manjhi did - Making a way through the mountains with nothing but hammer and chisel.

And you say you have a tough life...
12. Mary Kom (2014) (IMDB rating : 6.8)Inspired by a true life Indian women boxer - Mary Kom, the movie stars Priyanka Chopra in the lead role as Mary Kom and Darshan Kumar and Sunil Thapa as supporting roles. The film depicts the journey of Kom against all odds and becoming a world-renowned boxer.