Here are the next ten . . .
70. Closer (2004) 💔😈

Probably the strangest choice on my list in terms of romance as some parts of this film are the total opposite. But I had to include the sex fueled cheating story as I think it’s an important part when it comes to love and romance. It isn’t always going to be that happily ever after like this one shows, as the two couples kinda swap a bit at times. I like that it does not shy away from sex and the difference between that and love will always be different in the end.
69. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) ❤️😃

Robin Hood and Maid Marian is certainly a well known love story, everything he does is for her in the end, what more could a woman want? I know a lot of people say bad things about this film but I have always and will always be a big fan of it. I think the relationship between Robin and Marian is really a great one!
68. Going the Distance (2010) ❤️😂

I remember being pleasantly surprised when watching this film as has a lot more of a heart than you would ever expect as a young couple really try to make a relationship work over a big distance not forgetting the time difference issue as they struggle to keep in sync as more time passes by.
67. The Rebound (2009) ❤️😂

We always get the older man with younger woman, this time we get the opposite as a recently divorced woman moves into New York City with her two children and falls in love with the male nanny. They have many different problems in the relationship and both learn very different things about themselves because of it. Another example of that a love affair does not have to last forever.
66. Up in the Air (2009) 💔

This film had a massive impact on me the first time I saw it, certain scenes and moments were so haunting and felt very real. It doesn’t seem as though we are going to get a love story out of it all considering the subject matter. But two people who are constantly traveling begin a relationship that was supposed to be strictly when they were “on the road”. Obviously one of them was eventually going to want and need more with shocking results, I am still shocked and hurt thinking about the climax of it all. Probably because we always expect it to be the other way round.
65. Gone with the Wind (1939) ❤️😢💔

The epic film in many different ways certainly has its fair share of different love stories. Or maybe that should be attempted romances, but the main one has to be Scarlett and Rhett even watching it now it is still something special. They were made for each other but she does her very best to keep pushing him away. So much so that by the time she wants him he is over it all, frankly he doesn’t give a damn. Quite possibly one of the greatest ever endings to a film? Can we pretend that they eventually get back together though? Ok maybe.
64. Groundhog Day (1993) ❤️😂

A film that does not give the first impression that it is going to have a great romance attached to me, instead that is built up as we watch Phil relive the same day over and over again. Having to watch him really work on Rita starting over each day, who would have thought love would eventually break the spell? It took him a hell of a lot of years though, he did teach himself loads over that time! It gives you a few frustrating moments when he gets so close then bang day starts over and she obviously has no idea at all.
63. Splendor in the Grass (1961) 😢💔

A film about first love and wondering if it is the right time to take one the biggest step of all and turn it into a sexual relationship. With pressures from both sets of parents for different reasons the young lovers are very confused about their feelings and it really does not end well at all, as they both make bad choices instead of standing strong together. It really has such a tragic and sad ending.
62. When a Man Loves a Woman (1994) ❤️

A woman struggling with a drinking problem eventually realises that she must do something to stop it for the sake of not only herself but her children and husband. The problem is though her husband had been enabling the problem, so on her return the pair must do some soul searching in order to save their relationship.
61. The Last Song (2010) 😂❤️

Nicholas Sparks really does know how to write a good love story, this one is no different as the young couple must deal with doubt around their relationship as well as deciding what they are going to do after the summer is over. Can they actually deal with the others past loves or will it all be too much?