Putting together a list of worst films of a year is often the easiest and most fun to do. I am not even going to lie, it is the easiest list to sort out. The really bad films still leave a bad taste in your mouth months later just seeing the title. I actually managed to avoid a lot of films I have seen on other people’s lists those being Sex Tape and Tammy, I honestly just thought they looked tragic and managed to avoid them. Unfortunately I still managed to catch plenty of films worthy of this list, I wouldn’t really say 2014 was a fantastic year for film overall.
Not only have I caught films this year at the cinema towards the end of the year I managed to catch ones I had missed either on one of my many flights for work in Africa this year and also on Sky Movies and Netflix as they became available. So this gives quite a lot of films for consideration. – Look here for 2014 tagged posts and here for films I watched at the cinema in 2014.
Missed Films of 2014
Best Films of 2014
2014 at the Cinema
Plenty of films to choose from and the following didn’t make the final list! ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’, ‘What If’, ‘Maleficent’, ‘Godzilla’, ‘New York Winter’s Tale’ and ‘Labor Day’.
10. A Most Wanted Man – Review

Long and well boring. Honestly it takes so long for anything to actually happen in this film. I remember checking the time a lot, something I don’t usually do when at the cinema. A very good cast and Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s last fully finished film, but that was enough for this one.
9. Noah – Review

Just awful, some of the things put into this film just don’t fit at all or make any sense. It’s just a crazy crazy film, which at first seemed to be ok then it hit a whole new level of strange. We all know the basic story of Noah and animals getting to the ark, but not like this. Maybe this should be Russell Crowe’s last in this type, after his attempt at Robin Hood as well?
8. Bad Neighbours - Review

In all honesty I am not really sure how I was persuaded to go and see this film. I knew I wouldn’t like it, but it was worse than I expected. Aimed more towards the male population and very American with the frat house, not something we have in the UK. Even Zac Efron having his shirt off for most of the film couldn’t do anything to save it for me.
7. Into the Storm - Review

This one disappointed me so much, I was expecting to get another Twister but instead we got a silly lets use all types of cameras and pretend it is actual footage film. I don’t think I got that impression from the trailer so felt very cheated by it all. It had such a build up and it took me weeks to eventually see it, I kinda wish I hadn’t bothered afterwards.
6. Transformers: Age of Extinction – Review

Another boring and long film. Seriously 2014 why did you subject everyone to these long boring films. Just no need for this one to be that long, it actually hit a point when it felt like two films all mashed together. I’m sure we will see another Transformers film in the next few years though.
5. Non-Stop – Review

Oh Liam Neeson this is getting very silly now, almost as silly as this film. Not good in any way shape or form. I am sure you’ll be back on 2015’s worst film list for Taken 3!
4. Devil’s Due – Review

Horrendous . . . The attempted plot is just laughable and I think I actually did laugh rather than jump or be scared with this one. Not usually the type of film I go to see and it reminded me exactly why!
3. The Other Woman – Review

Terrible. The performances are awful, the storyline is even worse. Just NO.
2. Men, Women & Children – Review

I felt offended to be watching this one and really was tempted to leave the cinema. I wasn’t feeling any of it at all, none of the characters were even a tiny bit likeable. I certainly wouldn’t wish this film on anyone.
1. Annie – Review

Why did I decide to give it a chance? It looked awful, the soundtrack was awful, but curiosity got the better of me and I went to see it. I was actually offended that they took the heart and soul out of a much-loved musical.