Top 10 Unusual Things to do With Cuddly Toys
My little boy told me this morning that it was time he got rid of his cuddly toys to make room for all his Lego and Super Hero toys. While I have every intention of giving them to charity I thought I would at least look at what other people do with them. What I discovered can never be un-seen…
Top 10 Unusual Things to do With Cuddly Toys

Rug made from cuddly toys
10 – Make a rug
I do think that this is a really good idea, but looking at it, you can’t really tell what they were originally. And too all those people who think that toys come alive when you leave the room this might be a real nightmare.

Chair made from cuddly toys
9 – Make a chair
Well at least you can be sure that this will make a very comfortable chair! But maybe their button eyes will chafe a bit. So how many plush pandas does it take to make a chair? Well it is more than 1 and less than 100. (I’m not counting it, I can’t tell where each one ends and begins!)

House covered in cuddly toys
8 – Cover your house
In fact this would make for a great Halloween idea for next year! But this is in fact part of a local arts project in Detroit and was made to cover up some of the decay in the city as a result of the recession.

Chandelier made from cuddly toys
7 – Make a chandelier
It doesn’t take too many soft toys to make a weird looking chandelier, but then again you might want to be really careful that they are not flammable in anyway. So make sure you check those toy labels.

Wall Clock made from cuddly toys
6 – Make a clock
It is not the best idea you are ever going to see, but an idea none the less. Just make a simple dome style clock and fill the see-thru dome with plushies! Strangely you can actually buy these as well so there is money to be made in making them.

Christmas tree made from cuddly toys
5 – Make a festive tree
It might be a bit early to start celebrating Christmas (not for some super markets it seems) but this is still a good way to make your Christmas tree stand out from the rest. It would also be good to do this for charity. I love that the Kirby in the middle looks so happy.

Van covered in cuddly toys
4 – Cover a Van
What else are going to do with all those stuffed toys than sticking them on your car or van!? Well it might look kind of weird but if you bump into someone driving this they might never know!

Sofa made from cuddly toys
3 – Make a sofa
If you thought the chair we saw in number 9 was cool then you are going to love this idea. What about making a whole sofa from them! I could lounge about on this all day so it is probably best I don’t own it.

Dress made from cuddly toys
2 – Make a dress
Even some of the stuffed animals on this dress look horrified let alone how we feel! This must have weighed a ton, but on the other side of the coin it must have been quite comfortable and soft feeling. But I don’t think it will be a high-street smash anytime soon.

Plushie Tree made from cuddly toys
1 – Make a decorative tree
I have been all over the internet looking for things people do with their old stuffed animals, but this is by far the coolest thing I am ever going to find. Found in Brooklyn, USA it is well worth clicking on that link and seeing this amazing tree in all its glory.