
Top 10 Things No One Tells You About Mobile App Development

Posted on the 25 October 2019 by Web Solution Winners @websolutionwinn

Top 10 Things No One Tells You About Mobile App Development

The smartphone and the digitally well-informed consumer are a power link today. Their count is growing exponentially, paving the way for cutting-edge enterprise mobile application expansion.

To enhance your knowledge, we have listed the top 10 things that no one probably discloses about mobile app development:

Top 10 Things No One Tells You About Mobile App Development

1) Product Requirements Document (PRD)

Product Requirements Document is a document that contains a list of all the requirements about the product in detail. The main objective of a PRD is to bring each requirement involved onto a single page. It is essential for app development, especially mobile app development. It also contains all the important business requirements, unique features, and many other high-level functional requirements.

2) Wireframes

There is no doubt that before the commencement of any development work, wireframes are designed. These are the visual requirements of the specifications of the final mobile app development as well as the functional elements. Wireframes provide you a complete flow of information about the application. You should ask the software development company to share the wireframe before starting the final mobile application development. It will help you understand how well the firm you have selected has reviewed your requirements.

3) Design Thinking

Design thinking is considered to be the basis of any design and development work. With proper design thinking, you can create exceptionally good applications. Design thinking is more or less considered to be well-acquainted with the flow of the things concerned with UI and UX. It is customer-centric.

4) Source Code Control

It is always advised to ask your development firm all the source code details with you. You should have the admin privileges with you no matter what the scenario is. It is your responsibility to know what is happening in your project. You should also have access to build and deploy tools as well as verify the work completed by the developers.

5) Minimum Viable Product

The minimum viable product stage of any application development is considered the most crucial period. You need to be careful and take care of all the proper documentation, user accounts, and server access in the course of this time so that you can transfer these details to your team whenever required.

6) Product Analytics

Once you reach the end of the first stage development, you need to implement analytics tools and services to get you all the required information about the market value of the application. Your development firm might be forcing you to start the development of the subsequent version. However, you should try to acquire all the reviews from the users and then work on the said and viable changes.

7) Viral marketing

Mobile applications are considered very prone to viral marketing. You should make use of these marketing tactics to reach out to your potential audience segment. Check out the ways that apply for your application, and then choose the right platform to do so.

8) Invest in your users

A certain amount of money needs to be invested in application development. Similarly, once the application is ready, you need to spend some money on marketing the application for your users as well. Users are the core part of the total crusade, so don't forget them.

9) Cost Cutting

If you want to save a lot of money on your application development, then you should consider using a smaller number of third-party services and wipe out all the unnecessary and undefined goals.

As soon as you are done with the first stage development, you should handover the application to your acquaintances for beta testing. You can also make use of automated testing to test the app and find out the bugs if any.

Read More: How much does it cost to build an App like Uber?

These are some of the things that most development firms won't share with you as they believe this may place them on the back foot. However, all firms are not alike. That is why you should spend a considerable amount of time researching a proper firm. If you're seeking the best mobile application development company in Vietnam, Saigon Technology can turn out to be the best option.

Saigon Technology is a crucial part of TechTiq Solutions that comes with the advantage of cross-platform development expertise. With our enthusiastic and experienced team of designers, we create apps, which are designed with current implications in mind and a motivated look into the future. Our team trials a client-centric methodology and caters custom apps that are a picture-perfect match for the industry-specific necessities listed by the client. We take along diverse apps development with numerous features for a wide array of trade verticals. You can view here our testimonials to get an idea of our work or check out our website for more information.


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