Top 10 Rare And Unusual Species of Bats
With vampire stories and news reports of killer bats, it’s no wonder bats get such a bad press. So I thought it would be better this Halloween to study, look at, and understand some bats to discover the unusual species and see if they really deserve their reputation…
Top 10 Rare And Unusual Species of Bats
Bulldog Bat
10 – Noctilio
Bulldog by face and bulldog by nature. This is one of the world’s deadliest bats and can also swim!
Chapin’s Bat
9 – Chaerephon chapini
This bat with its very distinctive crest of hair rising from a small lappet between the ears is not a normal bat going through a punk phase, it really is born looking like that!
Honduran White Bat
8 – Ectophylla alba
With very distinctive soft, snow white fur and cute yellow nose and ears. this tiny bat only measures 3.7-4.7 cm long!
Hammer-Headed Bat
7 – Hypsignathus monstrosus
No, it’s not a Moose with tiny ears this really is a bat that uses that big nose to create incredibly loud honking noises!
Maclaud’s Horseshoe Bat
6 – Rhinolophus maclaudi
One of the most unusual looking bats by far. Any animal with a multi-layered horseshoe shaped nose gets my unusual vote.
Spotted Bat
5 – Euderma maculatum
You know you are looking at a spotted bat when you see the 3 white spots found over each shoulder and on the backside. Oh! And those giant ears might be a bit of a clue as well.
Tube-Nosed Bat
4 – Nyctimene robinsoni
This megabat is one of the few species of bats that like to sleep alone rather than in groups. I would imagine this is because he would snore due to having that long nose.
Golden Capped Fruit Bat
3 – Acerodon jubatus
This bat is a very misunderstood animal. Sure, it’s the world’s biggest species of bat and it does have a 6ft wingspan. But this species is non-aggressive towards humans and is a fruit eater!
The Panda Bat
2 – Niumbaha superba
This bat is so rare that scientists believed it had become extinct. But this was the first one seen and caught since 1939!
Northern Ghost Bat
1 – Diclidurus albus
The Northern Ghost Bat (AKA: Jumby Bat) is a very rare species of bat. They prefer humid habitats like rainforests but have been found living nearer to us humans.