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TOP 10 Powerful Features of Spy App for Cell Phone to Set Smartphone Boundaries for Your Kids

Posted on the 07 April 2020 by Ruby Mariah @rubymariah22
TOP 10 Powerful Features of Spy App for Cell Phone to Set Smartphone Boundaries for Your Kids

No matter what parents do these days and what methods they have been tried, children's favorite activity is to use cellphone all day long connected to the internet. In-case your all tactics have gone worthless such as bribery intervention and discipline then you should face the truth because your children have become addicted to smartphone devices. You have to set handset boundaries for your kids by using a piece of technology that keeps you updated all the time about their all activities on mobile.

However, before you are going to set boundaries, you have to know what your kids mostly up to on their handset and tablet devices. It is bitter truth these days that parents are partially responsible for kids having mobile obsession. If you are struggling to limit your child screen-time, browsing activities, calls, kid's vulnerability to cyber predators, online dating, sexting, sharing of sexually suggestive possess strangers and many more. Before you get to know about the 10 powerful tools of spy app for cell phone to set smartphone boundaries you need to know some facts.

According to Common sense Media More than half of kids in the U.S 53% have their mobile devices by the age of 11 and almost 84% of teens now own handsets and they have risen in the rich and complex world of many experiences. On the other hand, adults are most of the time unable these days to decode cell phone activities of children to understand. The current stats have been monitored by the survey conducted by Common Sense media of children ages 8 - 18.

Things to Consider Setting Smartphone Boundaries with Cell Phone Spy App

Over the years smartphone devices have made easy for everyone including children to spend too much on the device screen. It makes us feel like an artificial nature that is attracting us all the time whenever we got leisure time including our kids and teens. On the other side, it has become a serious issue for us when not have the mobile screen and we got panic.

This is the point when kids and teens getting near to mobile devices. It means, young kids and teens and including parents have mobile addiction connected to cyberspace. Children start inspecting their devices for text messaging, social media notifications, making mobile calls, web browsing, and plenty of other activities. This could lead youngsters towards a sedentary lifestyle. Nowadays, technology, especially in terms of mobile, is deeply rooted in every walk of life. Therefore, young kids and teens are developing handset addiction, inappropriate activities on social media, and unsafe browsing activities without even noticing. So, there is a dire need for parents to set boundaries for kids using cell phone spy software. However, there are few tips and tricks to manage your kids' activities on the handsets connected to cyberspace.

10 Tips to Set Smartphone Boundaries for Your Kids

There are following top tips and tricks that can help out parents to lemmatize the activities and to set certain limits on kids' and teens' activities on their handsets. However, it further empowers parents to protect kids and teens form digital nightmares.

    Parents should monitor their cell phone use

We all know that every child follows their parent's footsteps. The learning of a child gets started from the parents. So, parents should examine their activities especially when they are using digital devices like mobile and tablets connected to cyberspace. They should be careful while using technological devices in front of children and teens. If they get involved in extracurricular activities then teens and kids will automatically follow them.

Parents should monitor their kids and teens especially those who own mobile and internet. Parents should set aside with the kids while they are doing activities on the web and social media. This will help out parents to know what they are doing and what they want to do online. Parents can easily guide their kids on what to do and what not to do on the web and instant messaging apps.

Mobile devices and cyberspace have granted us sources of entertainment. On the other side, we as parents have taught our children not to get bored and they can use the internet and handsets to spend their time rather than getting bored all the time. So, the myth of boredom is self -created by the parents. They are the ones that have allowed their teens and kids to use the technology to prevent boredom and to have entertainment. So, parents should teach the kids not to spend too much time on their digital devices on the name of boredom.

Most parents encourage their children to play age-appropriate video games. However, parents usually forget to tell their teens to learn about the chapter of a book. Parents are indirectly telling a lie to themselves while encouraging children to play video games and to use technology because they cannot spend time with the children. Ultimately, teens and kids become addicted to smartphones and become addicted to it. So, parents sometimes tell a lie and them putting their children into trouble.

    Create technology-free zones

If parents want to make sure kids and teens should go for activities other than the technological devices, then they have to create technology-free zones. They have to create a playground at house or they should take children in the park to make teens and kids interest in real-life activities. They have to set some ground roles when to spend time on the tech and when to do healthy real-life activities.

If parents have facilitated their children's Wi-Fi at home then they have a better chance to prevent kids and teens all the time on their digital devices. They can put the Wi-Fi at off mode at the house and only allow their children to use the internet on their mobile devices for an hour or more. On the other hand, make sure not to allow your teens to use mobile data at all.

Parents who have leisure time to spend with the kids they can easily limit screen-time. Since the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have a great chance to discipline their kids because they have got leisure time to limit the screen activities of the children. However, parents can allow their children to screen-time in their presence. They can easily protect teens from digital nightmares, inappropriate browsing activities and so on.

    Technology free fun with family

Parents can make plans with the children to play real-life games within the house or outside the house. They can do fun with their family. Parents can take their children at the beach, playground, picnic sport and many others alike. However, make sure kids and teens don't hold their devices with them at all.

    Leave the handset unattended

No matter what if you are going to shop grocery or having food outside the house. You can simply not allow your children to get the devices with them. However, parents can get their devices with them but they should leave their mobiles in the car or anywhere else. This will enable you to make your kid's mind to take interest in real-life activities.

    Create Boundaries for kids

Let's suppose you are unable to set boundaries with all the above-mentioned tips and tricks then you should take advantage of the technology in terms of cell phone spying apps. This will empower parents to set parental control on kids' and teens' devices and keep parents all the time updated. Let's discuss it in detail below.

Top 10 Powerful Tools of Spying App for Cell phone to Set Boundaries for Kids

Spying app for mobile is the best tool that is particularly developed and designed to set the handset boundaries of kids and teens. Let's get to know about the top 10 unique, powerful and sturdy tools that can make a difference to set boundaries on kid's devices.

No matter what your children are up on their device you can remotely access to the target device using an online control panel to record live screen activities. You can use screen recording software and record plenty of short videos and send the live screen recording to the dashboard. Parents can see the live screen recording of a kid's mobile device and get to know live activities.

When it comes to dealing with the inappropriate activities on different sorts of websites on the target handset, you can filter websites with spy software for mobile. It enables the user to filter inappropriate websites on kids' and teens' cellphone.

You can use cell phone spying software and get access to the teens and kids' mobile browsers and get to know about all the visited websites. Furthermore, parents can see the bookmark websites and webpages. It empowers parents to know whether teens and kids are watching adult content or not because pocket porn is on the rise.

You can track your child's location at the time and place of your choosing using a cell phone gps tracking app. it enables parents to monitor the current GPS location of teen's mobile and deliver the information to the dashboard. Parents can set virtual boundaries on the map. So, whenever, kids and teens go in or outside the boundaries they will get instant notifications via email.

Gone are the days when teens and kids used to of doing hidden text and voice conversations on social messaging apps. Spy app for the phone enables you to get the logs of all the social messaging apps installed on the target device. You can see the logs of messages, conversations, audio-video calls, shared media and voice messages logs with a timestamp.

There certain activities of teens these days that can brutally harm your teens and children. However, a remote surveillance tool of cell phone surveillance software can do the magic. You can use it for blocking incoming calls, text messages and internet access on the teen's handset.

If you want to get documented evidence of your teen's activities then you can remotely capture screenshots on the target mobile device of your children. You can send multiple screenshots commands at once and capture plenty of screenshots and deliver them to the web portal. Parents can see the screenshots to examine their kid's activities.

Now remotely control the children's phone MIC and connects it with the online web portal of the spy app for cell phone. It will start recording surround sounds, voices, and chats conversations and deliver the files to the dashboard. Similarly, you can control the back and front camera of the teen's handset and record surround short videos and send the recording to the web portal via using spy 360 feature. However, you can capture photos and images remotely using a bugging tool.

    Text Messages Spy (SMS Spy)

Teens are obsessed with cell phone texting that could turn into sexting and often lead teens to use texting codes. You can remotely monitor all the sent and received text messages and parents can read it and get to know to whom teens are sending and receiving text messages.


Cell phone obsession is a real issue among children. Therefore, parents have to take on kids' and teen's excessive use of digital devices connected to the internet. If you are parents and still struggling for setting smartphone boundaries for kids then you need to use cell phone spy software to get the job done. Now forget about the digital nightmares like cyber bullying, stalking and about inappropriate activities of teens and kids. You can get your hands on the solution and get rid of all of your parental concerns to the fullest.

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