Top 10 Popping Cats In Pringles Tubes
According to Pringles, us humans are addicted to their product, after all they reckon that once you pop you can’t stop! Well, it not just us humans that love the taste of those delicious snacks because cats quite like them as well…
Top 10 Popping Cats In Pringles Tubes

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
10 – Sour Cream & Onion
Belvive it or not this is 2 cats trying to play fight over who gets to go inside the Pringles tube! Now that’s a serious snack addiction.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
9 – Salt & Vinegar
He once was able to crawl into a Pringles tube and help himself to the delicious snacks inside. These days he is a little bigger around the edges due to the amount of Pringles he once ate.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
8 – Grilled Prawn Puss
There is nothing worse than reaching for your favorite potato snacks and finding your pets have already helped themselves.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
7 – Thai Sweet Chili
This cat has popped himself from one end of the tube, through the middle and out the other end!

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
6 – Spicy Cajun Cat
He loves to watch TV inside his tube and uses it like a kitty toilet as well. Sure it smells, but it’s easy to empty.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
5 – Smokey BBQ Puss
He might be inside the original flavor tin, but there is nothing original at all about this cats Pringle pet bed.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
4 – Prawn Cocktail Cat
While I joke about the flavors you might notice that most of these are the Sour Cream And Onion, so I take it that’s the best selling flavor. But I’m more of a BBQ fan myself.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
3 – Funky Mustard Puss
This is one long kitten to fill the entire XXL tube of them! Or maybe there is more than one in there.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
2 – Cheddar Cheese Puss
He uses his Pringles tin as a turret, turning and clawing anyone who goes near him.

Cat In A Tube of Pringles
1 – Grilled Chicken Puss
He is the original Pringles cat and still has that air of mystery about him.