Top 10 Nerdy Nintendo Fanboy Cats
There no point talking to these ten cats about your fancy PS4 or Xbox, these are the Nintendo fanboy cats and they play on consoles and handhelds that only Nintendo make. They know every level of Zelda and Super Mario off by heart, and they put their laws in their ears whenever someone wants to talk about the Wii-U being a failure. So let’s join them for some child-friendly game time…
Top 10 Nerdy Nintendo Fanboy Cats

Cat Playing With Wii-U
10 – Wii-U
Whispurr will never listen to people trying to tell him that the Wii-U is a failure. He just goes home and licks his console to make up for it.

Cat Playing With SNES
9 – SNES
Purrfect Purrkins here doesn’t just play SNES games he is one of the biggest collectors of retro videogames in the cat world!

Cat Playing With Nintendo DS
8 – Nintendo DS
Being a Pokémon fan Gary here loves his DS and a copy of Pokémon Diamond. He is a true Poké collector.

Cat Playing With Gamecube
7 – Gamecube
Zaphy here loves his Gamecube, and has 81 Shine sprites on Super Mario Sunshine.

Cat Playing With NES
6 – NES
This is Ravenclaw and there is not room for any more bits in his life than the original 8-bit video games.

Cat Playing With Nintendo DS
5 – Nintendo DS
He gets to play videogames for just 30 mins every day, so he likes the smaller levels of Nintendo games and already has 41 stars on Super Mario 64DS

Cat Playing With SNES
4 – SNES
Cindy Clawford here is a retro gamer girl and she loves nothing more than getting all 16-bit Nintendo style.

Cat Playing With Wii
3 – Wii
T-bone here got the Wii Fit Balance board to try and stop his wobble when he walks. But all he has managed to do is sleep on it.

Cat Playing With Wii
2 – Wii
The Wii hasn’t made Peanut Butter any fitter, but he is a whizz at Super Mario Galaxy.

Cat Playing With Nintendo DS
1 – Nintendo DS
Sadly, Brian here told his friends he was an avid Playstation gamer, but when they pop round for a surprise party the surprise part goes horribly wrong.