Humor Magazine

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

While at a farm park the other day I saw a man selling what I can only describe as the worst balloon animals I have ever seen, but my child wanted one so he asked for the balloon rat the man was holding, then the man seemed to be rather upset and told my little boy that it wasn’t a rat, it was supposed to be a giraffe! Surly there are people who can do better than he can, in fact it turns out there are some rather amazing balloon artists out there, but my nerdy side is leaning towards this lot…

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures


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Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

PC and Keyboard Balloon Sculpture

10 – PC and Keyboard

It is said that the amazing artists who make these amazing balloon sculptures are called Twisters! I kind of like that name, but at the end of the day this is balloon art no matter what else you might call it, or the people who create them, like this cool Balloon PC and Keyboard.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Super Mario Balloon Sculpture

9 – Super Mario

Lets get Mario out of the way, because you just knew I would have to include him somewhere in this list. What can I say, I was brought up in a Mario generation. Sadly no artist names for you, but whoever made this Yoshi and Super Mario balloon costume it is is very good indeed.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Enterprise Spaceship Balloon Sculpture

8 – Enterprise Spaceship

Well it made it into my post called “Top 10 Best Fan Made Star Trek Enterprise Spaceships” and it also deserves a place in this top ten as well. Sadly I can’t find out who the artist was, but it was done for a 50th birthday party, and is well over 7 feet long.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Tyrannosaurus Rex Balloon Sculpture

7 – Tyrannosaurus Rex

Once a year a load of twisters meet up at an event called Elastic Park (Inspired by Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park) to make some dinosaur themed fun. This amazing T-Rex was made by one of the shows hosts, Mark Verge, but it does seem that he does a lot of work for the event so probably deserves to win.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Ridley Scott’s Alien Balloon Sculpture

6 – Ridley Scott’s Alien

I don’t know who made it, I don’t know where it is! I don’t know how many balloons it took to make it, and I don’t really know how tall it is. But even I know an amazing balloon sculpture when I see one, and this one.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Optimus Prime Balloon Sculpture

5 – Optimus Prime

Standing at an incredible 12 ft this Transformer made by Ballusionist Brian Potvin is probably not just bigger than a real Transformer would be! As with maybe of these amazing artists it is well worth clicking on the images to visit their pages and seeing the rest of their amazing work.

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Game of Thrones Balloon Sculpture

4 – Game of Thrones

Phileas Flash (aka Rupert Appleyard) is considered to be one of the UK’s best twisters. With so many amazing sculptures behind him already this one of Ned Stark sat in the Iron Throne shows you he really is top of his game. It is well worth seeing the rest has has made over on his facebook page. (Just click on the image.)

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Stormtrooper Balloon Sculpture

3 – Stormtrooper

If you are after something a bit nerdy, but also amazing then Patricia Balloona is your lady. This amazing Stormtrooper is an incredible 5 ft 10 inches tall, that is almost as tall as me! It is well worth clicking on the image to see the rest of her amazing “balloonifications.”

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

TARDIS Balloon Sculpture


It doesn’t matter if you are a nerd or not. If you happen to stumble upon a TARDIS balloon sculpture you are bounds to be impressed. Made by balloon artist Twisty Kristy she is available for hire and can make just about anything it seems!

Top 10 Nerdy and Creative Balloon Sculptures

Robot Balloon Sculpture

1 – Robot

It tool over 2 days to make, its made up of almost 80,000 balloons and they call it the Sentinel. This is the stunning work of balloon artist Lily Tan and is officially the world’s largest balloon sculpture. I hope she didn’t have to blow them all up herself!

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