Top 10 Miniature Vehicles Made From Recycled Cans
We have already seen what Japanese artist “Makaon” can do with a few empty cans in my post “Top 10 Amazing Sculptures Made of Drinks Cans” and now it is time to take a look at Sandy’s CanCars and a few other artists can make with them. Mostly cars this can cutting art form is simply stunning to look at, but also deadly, so if you are going to try and make one yourself, be very careful indeed. But in the meanwhile here is some of the best…
Top 10 Miniature Vehicles Made From Recycled Cans
Car made from Waikato draft beer cans
10 – Waikato draught
This is the first of many that are made by Sandy’s CanCars (Real name: Sandy Sanderson) each car take around three or four weeks to complete and then around 80 hours to build. Plus they are made from lots and lots of cans. What might appear to be just one can moving across a bonnet and down around a mudguard there could actually be five or six cans used to create that effect!
Plane made from7-up Cans
9 – 7-up
They say that red bull gives you wings, but in the right hands a can of 7-up can take you to the skies as well. I love that they’ve gone all retro and classic with this one, and done it in a world war 2 fighter plane.
Motorbike made from Mountain Dew Drink Cans
8 – Mountain Dew
I managed to find several aeroplanes, and rather a lot of cars made from recycled drinks cans. But not a lot of anything else. So I thought I would include one of the more usual vehicles in the style of this mountain dew motorbike. I’m sure there is a lot of bikers out there reading this that really wish that this was a real bike
Car made from Rheineck Beer Cans
7 – Rheineck
Have you noticed that most of the vehicles made from recycled cans are actually classic vehicles? Well maybe there is a reason for it maybe take a picture and box style of older vehicles makes for a better recycled can art piece. Maybe it’s just that older vehicles look better than newer ones.
Plane is made from Rip It Energy Drink Cans
6 – Rip It
I suppose it makes sense using a high energy drink to make what looks like a high-energy plane. I’ve never even heard of rip it energy drink before but the silver design and fire style effects makes for a good plane it seems.
Plane made from Monster Energy Cans
5 – Monster Energy Cans
By now some of you might have noticed that each of these amazing recycled can vehicles is made from different drinks manufacturer. I thought I would do this because we get a lot of variety in what we see and I think this monster energy drinks biplane is a perfect example of that.
Car made from Coke Cans
4 – Coke
This amazing coke can car is yet another design made by Sandy’s CanCars and once again it’s simply incredible. I just wanna give a quick heads up in regards to all of Sandy’s CanCars links. The links all goto a product page, but what you would buy there its just designs not the actual works themselves. But if you even have the slightest amount of calories modelling skills maybe it is a worthy purchase.
Train made from Bud Light Cans
3 – Bud Light Cans
Train made from recycled bud cans is not the most ingenious design, but then again that does give some of us less skilled in the art of can art a chance to try to make our own. Besides i think the blue cans of the bud are perfect for a train.
Car made from Guinness Cans
2 – Guinness
I’m sure there are many, many Guinness drinkers out there that would love this as a family car. But this recycled beer can work of art, is just another piece from the Sandy Sanderson collection. With gearsticks, peddles, dashboard dials and even glove boxes they are as real as I think you are likely to get in exact replica model of the same vehicle.
Plane made from Dr Pepper Cans
1 – Dr Pepper Cans
Made from nothing but Dr Pepper cans this one for me was simply the best overall design. It is not so much the whole plane this is incredible enough, but it was more the twin turbine engines at the back of the plane are made from nothing but solid cans makes it even more amazing! To be honest I just wish I was even half as creative as the person that made this.