Humor Magazine

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Most people take them out of the burger and throw them away, and yet there are also those who love them and are more than happy to have extra. I am talking about pickles. While I don’t relay like them myself I did manage to find some rather unusual gift ideas for those who do…

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers


Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Dill Pickle Mints

10 – Mints

Do you find the taste of spearmint and fresh mint is getting boring? Well why not freshen up your mouth with some pickle mints! All you need to do is find a partner sucking on a burger flavours mint and you would instantly fall in love with each other!

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Bandages

9 – Bandages

Nothing cures a cut faster then putting pickle on it! Well that is what I am sure the make of these would have you believe. I wonder if a real pickle would do the job faster?!

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Wax Remover

8 – Wax Remover

I am not really sure why you would want to remove the wax off anything but that is what this is for. But all done in a eco-friendly, chemical-free way! It seems pickles are rather amazing things.

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Brine Water Bottle

7 – Water Bottle

At first I thought this was pickle shampoo which would have been even worse, but a pickle themed water bottle is still right up there on the weird scale. Lets just hope it doesn’t make the water inside it taste like pickle.

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Yodeling Pickle

6 – Yodeling

The winner of the most unusual pickle gift ever has to go to this. The mind baffles as to why you would want a yodeling pickle in your life in the first place, but if you do this might well be the best gift ever.

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Christmas Pickle Gift Wrap

5 – Gift Wrap

With Christmas (and indeed my Christmas themed posts) I thought it would be perfect to include some pickle gift wrap to wrap up all these fantastic gift ideas with. Fair play this is some very unusual wrapping paper indeed.

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

USB Pickle Light

4 – USB Light

Are you still feeling around in the dark for that pickle jar you had somewhere next to the PC? Well fear not, because here is the pickle light! Use the power of pickles to find your way in the dark. Carrots are so last year!

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Flavoured Floss

3 – Floss

While flossing is not as wildly done as it is in other countries it is still something people do, and when you have had a long day chewing crunchy pickles this would be rather hand to have around.

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Toothpaste

2 – Toothpaste

This didn’t quite make it onto my list “Top 10 Weird and Unusual Toothpastes” but it sure makes it here. This is a perfect way to counteract burger breath, so get scrubbing and turn those purley whites green!

Top 10 Gift Ideas for Pickle Lovers

Pickle Soap

1 – Soap

I just had to end this top 10 with this for so many reasons. Why would you want to smell like a pickle? Well maybe you would relish the attention it might well bring.

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