Humor Magazine

Top 10 Funny Cats Ears and How They Give the Game Away

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Funny Cats Ears and How They Give the Game AwayTop 10 Funny Cats Ears and How They Give the Game Away

Cats love to hunt and play hunting. from catching the red dot to chasing butterflies in the garden there is something beautiful about watching them do it. But often it is the cat’s ears that give the game away while playing hunt the mouse or hide N seek. And here is what I mean…

Top 10 Funny Cats Ears and How They Give the Game Away

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

10 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<

Sometimes you don’t need a photo of anything other than a cat’s ears to know they are up to no good. The good news is those are happy ears, not attack ones.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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It looks like kitty wants to play with his attack toy and is willing to hunt it out and stalk it until it comes alive in his owners hands once again.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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These eyes are almost snake like, but the kitties ears tell me this is a much more feline box attacker.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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If this kitty could grow red flowers on his head he would have turned invisible. It looks like this kitty will be pouncing on someone very soon indeed.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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If it wasn’t for the ears giving the game away, I might have believed this was a real cat lamp. Some lamps can look odd these days, so it isn’t that hard to imagine.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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This is the moment you go into the bathroom for a bath. You see this then panic as you realize you don’t own a cat!

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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It looks like the cinnamon and cloves have been there for so long they have grown ears! Best get them down and throw it out.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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They might just be peeking their one eye around the corner, but the cat’s ears have already broadcasted his position.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

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This could be a photo of someone’s fluffy inside shoe. But the ears tell me it is something much more alive.

Funny Cats Ears
Funny Cats Ears

1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<

If you go too close to this kitties basket, you will get pounced upon. These are the ears his human owners fear.

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