Humor Magazine

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking SelfiesTop 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies

If you think us humans have the monopoly on taking selfies you need to think again. These ten cats have been doing selfies since it was even in the dictionary and they will give you some pro-selfie tips…

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies


Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies

Cat Taking a Selfie
Cat Taking a Selfie

10 – The “Through” Shot

We start with Manny who is probably the great feline selfie taker in the world!

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

9 – The “Tough” Shot

There is something seriously wrong with this selfie. Is it sexy or aggressive?!?

Cat Taking a Selfie
Cat Taking a Selfie

8 – The “Quick ‘N’ Fail” Shot

While points are added for the trout pout, I will take some points away for it being taken too closely.

Cat Taking a Selfie
Cat Taking a Selfie

7 – The “Tilted Head” Shot

You have to give this young selfie taker points for the side tilted head.

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

6 – The “Sunrise, Sundown” Shot

We go back to Manny again, who this time has gone for a moody sunrise shot.

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

5 – The “Up-The-Nose” Shot

It’s the classic ‘up the nose’ style shot. But bonus points here for a very stern look.

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

4 – The “Pondering” Shot

The look, the stare, this kitty has been reading some professional tips!

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

3 – The “Duck Face” Shot

Manny again, this time even managing to balance on a log while pulling a pose!

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

2 – The “Rebel” Shot

The classic tongue out pose. This has been popular since the sixties!

Top 10 Funny and Best Cats Taking Selfies
Cat Taking a Selfie

1 – The “Me At The Moment Capture” Shot

Taking a selfie while your friend washes in the background is one photo you will smile at for the rest of time.

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