Top 10 Easter Island Gift Ideas
OK, so apart from its name (Because Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen discovered the island on Easter Sunday, April 5, 1722) it doesn’t really have anything else to do with the actual Easter holiday. But these gift ideas are too cool to ignore, eggspecially as it is the start of Easter week (a weak link I know, but lets roll with it)…
Top 10 Easter Island Gift Ideas

Easter Island Eyeglass Holder
10 – Holding Line Of Sight
Most of the statues gaze inland across their clan lands, but they might not have done that if they all needed glasses! So maybe a few of these would have been rather handy if they needed them.

Easter Island Tissue Box Cover
9 – Moai Sneezers
I don’t know it the monolithic statues were supposed to be giant tissue box covers, but I would imagine not. But that doesn’t stop someone else coming up with the idea!

Build Your Own Easter Island Kit
8 – DIY Kit
Have you ever wanted your very own Moai Head statue? Well now you can with this desktop building kit that is sure to make your office the must visit place in the building. Maybe you could ever charge a small admission fee!

Easter Island Nanoblocks
7 – Lego Heads
While I have tired to find out I still have no idea if these “Nanoblocks” work with Lego, but it looks like they do. But either way why not build your very own Easter Island!

Easter Island Pepper Grinder
6 – Pepper Grinder
Why not have a taste of pepper from the Moai stone with this full electric pepper mill shaped like one of them. I’m not sure Polynesian islands had peppercorns but at the push of a nose you can have a dash of pepper on your dinner.

Easter Island Cocktail Mug
5 – Easter Drinks
I think these are much more Tiki style that Moai, but I still think they are cool and perfect for some summer drinks while out on the patio pretending to be on Easter Island.

Easter Island Moai Ring
4 – Island Rings
Not so much lord of the rings, more Moai of the Island. Made from 3D printed polished brass expect a lot more 3D printed jewellery on the future.

Easter Island Face T-Shirt
3 – Moai Wear
This is one of the strangest and yet surprisingly cool t-shirts I have come across in a long while. But I think I like it, and would wear it with pride.

Easter Island Moai Terrarium
2 – Zen Statues
IF these zen garden terrariums are your thing why not get this Easter Island one. There are loads of these unusual gift ideas for sale on ETSY but the image link just goes to the sellers Pinterest board.

Easter Island Ice-cube Trays
1 – Stone Cold
These Easter Island ice-cube trays make it to my number 1 spot just as they did in the post “Top 10 Unusual Ice Cube Trays” because if you can find an ice-cube tray that is stranger than this I will happily buy them for you, because this is right up there on the weird-o-meter.