Top 10 Curious Cats Covered in Packing Peanuts
Packing peanuts are those things that keep our parcels safe and are often made from styrofoam. Now here is the problem, styrofoam + static on cat fur makes for a rather magnetic attraction, and what you end up with is some rather amusing images that are sure to make you smile…
Top 10 Curious Cats Covered in Packing Peanuts

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
10 – Touchy
If this cat is this annoyed and mad about the amount of styrofoam attached to his fur, imagine what he would be like if he was as badly covered as this lot…

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
9 – The shame
Some cats with thick fur like this puss should stay well clear of anything that might attach to their static electricity.

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
8 – Baby Foam
According to this cat’s owner: Cold dry day + fuzzy cat + box of packing peanuts = hilarious. And I can confirm that math is correct.

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
7 –Corner Foam
Her owner might think it was funny, but this is one angry kitty and those packing foam popcorn bits are going to be inserted somewhere very unnatural.

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
6 –The Pull Out
What I like about some of these images is that it looks like the cat owner has just ordered the cat and is pulling them out of the box!

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
5 – The Math
This cat owner decided to place as many packaging peanuts on his cat as he could. It seems the final answer is more than you might think, this is one patient cat.

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
4 – Bits and Bobs
Wooden flooring plus packaging peanuts equals a rather shocked cat that thinks he is going through some sort of fur invasion. It doesn’t matter how fast you run kitty, they will follow!

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
3 – Just a few
This cat looks like he is being attacked by popcorn! This might sound weird, but I once knew someone who would eat this stuff! He said it was like eating corn snacks!

Cat Covered in Packing Noodles
2 – WTF!
Yes, even the dog doesn’t really seem to know what the cat has done and thinks he is being attacked by aliens! Still, he is happy to try and scrap them off for him.

Cat covered in Packing Noodles
1 – Tiny Balls
Anyone who has ever had a bean bag pop knows what this cat is feeling right now. Sadly he knows he is in trouble, but those eyes tell everyone “I don’t care!”