Top 10 Amazing Ways to Recycle a Bus
I really like a trip on an old style double-decker bus and so does my little boy. But these diesel drinkers are fast becoming a thing of the past and most towns and cites now have green buses that run on flowers and rainbows. But what can you do with all those old buses? Well it turns out, rather a lot…
Top 10 Amazing Ways to Recycle a Bus

Bus turned into an office space
10 – Office Stop
You have to really love buses to want to have a piece of one inside your bedroom, let alone to turn that into an office space. But that is exactly what this person has done and it doesn’t look half as crazy as it sounds. In fact I think it is strangely cool, but not something I would do.

Bus turned into a restaurant
9 – Drive off Dinner
This is not just some truck stop munch van come bus, this is a full on 5* restaurant with an upstairs cocktail bar. It is designed to be driven to weddings and events where the bus then unfolds to become a rather dapper place to eat.

Bus turned into a house
8 – Home Sweet Bus
It seems some people love buses so much that they want to live in them! This is no half measure job, this is a serious conversion and done right I would imagine it looks rather nice both inside and out.

Bus turned into a tornado shelter
7 – Run and cover
It might not look much like a bus now or will it win any recycling awards, but the idea is still a good one if you live in tornado ally or somewhere where you might have to run for cover due to bad weather.

Bus turned into an art gallery
6 – Art Stop
Why visit an art gallery when the art gallery can come to you! Well it will drive near you if you live in Liverpool anyway because this bus travels all round showcasing some amazing local and nation art talent. What a great idea this is I would love to see it myself.

Bus turned into a school
5 –Playtime Stop
Done right here in Wales, UK. This school in Rhyl needed a new class room and instead of running up costly building costs they just brought an old bus and turned it into a class room! I think if I was a child I would have loved learning anything in this.

Bus turned into a swimming pool
4 – Swimming Stop
Probably one of the most unusual if not most amazing ways you are going to recycle a bus is to turn it into a swimming pool! This doesn’t just look amazing it is amazing! Next stop…my back garden!

Bus turned into a garage
3 – Park and ride
What I love about this stunning photograph is not just the great recycling idea that requires nothing more that removing the seats and putting a ramp into the bus, but also the vintage car inside it. There is just something Walking Dead style about this.

Bus turned into a spare bedroom
2 – House Extension
While it will still require some rather high DIY skills a great way to get around building laws is to use conveniently parked vehicles to make a little bit of extra room in your home. Much like this bus that is being used as a spare bedroom!

Bus turned into a planter
1 – Flower Stop
If all else fails and you really can’t be doing with all that DIY and make-over nonsense just turn it into a planter come garden feature like this artist has done. In fact I think it looks rather pretty if not the most genius.
So now for today’s question: Where do you sit on the bus, front or back?