Top 10 Amazing Naturally Rainbow Coloured Animals
Some animals get all the luck when it comes to being colourful. The brightly coloured birds, the colourful insects. And some animals are so lucky they have every colour under the sun to try and attract a mate. These are the world’s most colourful animals and they look rather like living rainbows…
Top 10 Amazing Naturally Rainbow Coloured Animals

Rainbow Leaf Beetle
10 – Chrysolina cerealis
What they lack in size (just 8mm fully grown) they make up for in colour. No wonder they are treated with respect throughout Eurasia.

9 – Chameleons
This is a slight cheat because Chameleons can change colour into just about whatever they fancy. But their resting state colours are quite colourful anyway.

Rainbow Anise Swallowtail Butterfly
8 – Papilio zelicaon
While it might not have all the colours of the rainbow on it’s wings it does have a lot of them.

Rainbow Fly
7 – Calliphora vomitoria
Otherwise known as the Bluebottle fly this is a quite common fly that appears to be very colourful when looked at upclose.

Wattle Cup Caterpillar
6 – Calcarifera ordinata
He might not contain every colour under the rainbow, but this little caterpillar definitely contains a lot of them.

Cotton Harlequin Bug
5 – Tectocoris diophthalmus
Harlequins are quite colourful characters anyway, but this little bug doesn’t need any silly looking costume.

Golden Jumping Spider
4 – Chrysilla lauta
Spiders are not normally a thing of beauty. But this tiny jumping spider sure is colourful, but still strangely scary.

Rainbow Lorikeets
3 – Trichoglossus moluccanus
There was always going to be one bird in this list like a parrot, but in the end I went with these amazing lorikeets that all seem to have matching colours.

Mantis Shrimp
2 – Stomatopoda
Lots of the world’s marine crustaceans are colourful, but this shrimp takes it to the next level.

Cortez Rainbow Wrasse
1 – Thalassoma lucasanum
Fish come in all sorts of shapes and colours, but none of them are more colourful than this species of Wrasse. The yellow strip is such a massive contrast to the rest of the colours, but they all look luminescent.