Top 10 Amazing Examples of Christmas Street Art
While I have seen lots of street art all over the world, I have not seen that much that is Christmas themed. It seems I might have been walking around with my eyes closed at Christmas because there is loads of it…
Top 10 Amazing Examples of Christmas Street Art

Christmas Street Art
10 – Artist: Unknown
It seems Santa has bene working under our feet the whole time! Who started that North Pole rumor?

Christmas Street Art
9 – Artist: Julian Beever
It might have taken 4 days to make this, but it was definitely worth it.

Christmas Street Art
8 – Artist: 4iekah
This is the only one in this top 10 list that I have seen with my own 2 eyes, and yeah. It made me smile a lot.

Christmas Street Art
7 – Artist: Julian Beever
This reminded me of the classic Snowman film, but he seems to be missing a carrot nose. Good job there is someone to the rescue.

Christmas Street Art
6 – Artist: Dacator
Taking influence by Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is this slightly creepy style street art.

Christmas Street Art
5 – Artist: Hawkenbur Landlords
The Hawkenbury Pub might be in a sleepy village in Kent, but every year they cover the whole pub with a Christmas themed mural!

Christmas Street Art
4 – Artist: TYLER
Knowing how stubborn reindeer can be, I would imagine Santa has this sort of trouble a lot.

Christmas Street Art
3 – Artist: Unknown
It is the wistfulness of Santas whiskers that really makes it stand out. Also it gives it a sort of magical charm.

Christmas Street Art
2 – Artist: Unknown
Seen in Mexico is the little Santa Monkey that doesn’t fail to make me smile everytime I look at it.

Christmas Street Art
1 – Artist: Pichi Avo
I really love the way some of the older graffiti shines through, but it is the sheer lever of detail that blew me away.