Top 10 Amazing April Fools Rabbits
When it comes to April Fools jokes I am often the “fool” that gets tricked by them so understandably I have a bit of loathe for them. But maybe I am about to do the same thing to myself, I say these ten rabbits are all April fool fakes and Photoshop art, but maybe one or two of them are real and the joke is once again on me…
Top 10 Amazing April Fools Rabbits

10 – Parabbit
Half rabbit, half parrot the parabbit is one of the most colourful rabbits in the world. But its hard, sharp beak with do some nasty damage if you get near it.

9 – Dogbit
The Dogbit is half rabbit, half dog ans is one of the most loyal pets in the world. Just remember that your dogbit is a veterinarian when it comes to choosing food for it.

8 – Birdbit
The wild Birdbit is one of the only flying rabbit breeds in the world and is often seen snacking on leaves from the carrot tree. No bread for this bunny birdie!

7 – Catbit
What do you end up with when you create an animals that is half rabbit and half cat? You end up with a but looking animal that hops around everywhere, but doesn’t really care for you and keeps on bringing dead carrots into the house.

6 – Chickbit
If your parents have told you the Easter bunny isn’t real then obviously didn’t know about the existence of the Chickbit. It was discovered on Easter day!

5 – Carrochu
The Carrochu is what the original pikachu character was modeled on. There are only a few of these left in the wild, the rest are all captures inside Pokemon balls.

4 – Rabuckog
This strange tri-crossed breed is crossed between a rabbit, duck and a dog. It will fetch a rabbit shaped stick , in water, up to a depth of 3 meters!

3 – Leopbit
Most rabbits can run fairly fast anyway, but the Leobit can do 0 – 60 in under 10 seconds! More than enough to catch a fast-moving carrot.

2 – Pugbit
It might look a little grumpy, but this half rabbit, half pug bred is surprisingly gentle. Just grab some bacon treats and it will hop over to you and eat off your plate!

1 – Tigebit
Half Rabbit, Half tiger. When I last posted this image on Google Plus it went viral and far too many people believed it was real. Or maybe it is real and the joke was on me!