Humor Magazine

Top 10 Action Packed Cats Doing Extreme Sports

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10
Top 10 Action Packed Cats Doing Extreme SportsTop 10 Action Packed Cats Doing Extreme Sports

Do you like watching X-Games and seeing people do all sorts of crazy tricks and stunts while doing crazy and extreme sports? If you do, you will love these ten action packed cats that are all extreme sports fans…

Top 10 Action Packed Cats Doing Extreme Sports

Mountain Biking Cat
Mountain Biking Cat

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This kitty doesn’t care if he gets a little muddy tearing through the woods on his mountain bike. He only cares about winning the race.

Parkour Cat
Parkour Cat

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He can find a grip where no human can and scale the highest of climbs. Free running is just a way of life for this cat.

Sky Diving Cat
Sky Diving Cat

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That is the face of concentration right there. He is about to form a daisy chain with 4 other cats!

Snowboarding Cat
Snowboarding Cat

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While he can’t do many flips and jumps just yet, this kitty will still beat most humans to a downhill race in freestyle.

Dirt Bike Cat
Dirt Bike Cat

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Some people say that this kitty only goes as fast as he does because his claws can’t grip the brakes! Probably best to stay out of his way in case that is true.

Skateboarding Cat
Skateboarding Cat

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Flips and tricks are this kitties game. One day he hopes to be in the regional finals of the under 3’s!


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Just because his BMX is a lot smaller than his human owners. doesn’t mean it goes at half the speed.

Jet Ski Cat
Jet Ski Cat

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Jet Ski has the lake to himself and he is going to pull off that 1080° backflip from a bore wave.

Water Skiing Cat
Water Skiing Cat

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Water Skiing is best done with sharp claws to cut through the water. Just show this kitty a ramp or two and he will purr with happiness.

Skiing Cat
Skiing Cat

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Ski cat doesn’t like snowboarders, he just likes to get onto the fresh powder and enjoy the ski as it comes. While not the fastest, he is a real pro.

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