What an evening. It was hot as hell out there last night in Queens, New York, especially down in the subway, and it is still a scorcher now after one a.m..
I arrived home at 11pm and couldn’t wait to get out of my clothes.
The air conditioning was barely doing its job at the places I went yesterday I don’t understand it. When the weather is cold air conditioners are turned on to full blast yet when the weather is hot one nearly has to burn.
Establishments are really getting cheaper and cheaper in their attempts to be frugal.
Of course, I’m going to continue to make myself comfortable by resting, keeping cool, and keeping myself hydrated drinking plenty of ice cold fluids.
Right now I’m enjoying listening at low volume to some good old classic soft rock music (the sixties, seventies, and eighties gave us some of the greatest tunes. Oh, I just love these hits!) in the dark of my room with the fan blowing me off to sleep.
It’s so therapeutic along with a nice hot shower!
Good night, or good wee hours.