Culture Magazine

Toning for the Show

By Ballerinablogger
First off, thank you all so much for your congratulatory comments/e-mails, you're all so sweet. X)
As some of you may know, I got cast as the Lead Arabian for three performances. I'm so thrilled as this has been one of my favorite dances for a long time. However, the Arabian costume is pretty teeny tiny! Here's a picture of the general design of the Arabian costume:
Toning for the ShowPretty skimpy right?
I want to look the best that I can for the show, but I want to do it in a way that doesn't involve crash dieting or eating disorders. I'll be eating healthy and doing two ab workout DVD's.
Toning for the Show
Toning for the Show
When you plan to lose weight or tone your body then it's important to do it in a safe and healthy manner. If you guys have your own get-in-shape routines for performances or camps then tell us in a comment!
Thanks guys!
Ballerinablogger ~

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