After listening, re-listening, careful thoughts, and some more listening, the Tomatrax Top 10 EPs for 2018 have now been determined and are as follows below.
Once again we have embedded either a youtube or bandcamp stream of each EP so you can listen to every song off every EP that made the list all while on this page!
In addition, in the interest of name dropping and further self promotion, there are links to interviews Tomatrax has done with some of the artists that made the list, so if you want to find out more about the bands that made the EPs that made the list, it is just one click away.
And now for some of the best music that has come out this past year...
Number Ten Iluka - Ritual You can read Tomatrax's interview with Iluka here. Number Nine Rodney Cromwell - Rodney's English Disco EPYou can read Tomatrax's interview with Rodney Cromwell here.
Number Eight A Shoreline Dream - Waitout Number Seven Maff - Melañiña Number Six Nova Flares - Nova Flares Number Five Slow fades - Canyon Songs You can read Tomatrax's interview with Snow Fades here. Number Four The Silent State - The Silent StateYou can read Tomatrax's interview with The Silent State here.
Number Three The Lautreamonts - What are you wearingYou can read Tomatrax's interview with The Lautreamonts here. Number Two Royal Chant - Pride and Poverty You can read Tomatrax's interview with Mark Spence from Royal Chant here. Number One Ride - Tomorrow's shore You can read Tomatrax's interview with Mark Gardner from Ride here.