Happy Tomatrax Day! Today marks 17 years since the very first issue of Tomato Records Monthly (later renamed to Tomatrax) was published.
To celebrate this occasion we will be spending the next week looking at the best EPs of the 2010s. The definition of an EP has often been a somewhat qualitative and inconsistent matter, but for the purpose of this list, the following criteria apply.
* Release is longer than 10 minutes (otherwise it's a single) and shorter than 35 minutes (otherwise it's an LP)
* Release has 8 tracks or fewer (9 or more and it's an LP)
* For this list, only studio EPs are considered, live releases have been excluded (we may put out a best live releases of the 2010s later)
* EPs that are mainly studio recordings but contain one or two live songs are allowed.
* For the purpose of the first two criteria Alternate versions of songs are not included in the overall the duration nor the number of tracks on the release.
100. The Antlers - Undersea
99. Godmouth - Siren
98. Alice SpaceDoll - Dark night of the soul
97. Majora - Aphotic
96. Lyke Giants - Lyke Giants
95. Dr Alien Smith - Under Songs EP
94. Alanna Eileen - Absence
93. Iluka - Ritual
92. Tones and I - The kids are coming
91. The Owls - Swamp Love
90. Simone and Girlfunkle - Hold on
89. Reptilians From Andromeda - Sonic rabbit Hole
88. Man vs Synth - Man vs Synth
87. The Ivys - In the company of wolves
86. We Yes You No - A magic trick
85. The Mean Times - The Raw Prawn
84. Burrell or Biscuit - Hide from the light
83. The Moonshine Blues - Between Dusk and Dawn
82. Bear Feathers - Hold down the feels
81. Why? - Sod in the seed