Fashion Magazine

Toile Making 2013 Spent a Productive Afternoon Pattern Making...

By Lauramoodley
Photo Toile Making 2013
Spent a productive afternoon pattern making and sewing up one of the toils for my collection. 
A toile is basically a mock up of a dress, that we make as a trial run for technical reasons, to ensure fit, to be sure we like the fabric and cut and to iron out any issues with the original pattern that can cause problems later on in production. 
Here you see a plain white dress made of different & cheaper fabrics than the final item will be. All you can see is the silhouette, however a designer can see future problems, which will be addressed before making another toile & if all is well can continue on to the Dress its self.
I tried this mock-up on, and I have to say that Im loving it! I love the way it moves and hangs on the body - and think that I may have solved my other problem of what to wear to a summer wedding that I have coming up!
This is the exciting bit for any designer, seeing your ideas come to life gradually but the cherry on top will be seeing them finally walk down the runway later in the year! 
xoxo LLM

Toile Making 2013

Spent a productive afternoon pattern making and sewing up one of the toils for my collection. 

A toile is basically a mock up of a dress, that we make as a trial run for technical reasons, to ensure fit, to be sure we like the fabric and cut and to iron out any issues with the original pattern that can cause problems later on in production. 

Here you see a plain white dress made of different & cheaper fabrics than the final item will be. All you can see is the silhouette, however a designer can see future problems, which will be addressed before making another toile & if all is well can continue on to the Dress its self.

I tried this mock-up on, and I have to say that Im loving it! I love the way it moves and hangs on the body - and think that I may have solved my other problem of what to wear to a summer wedding that I have coming up!

This is the exciting bit for any designer, seeing your ideas come to life gradually but the cherry on top will be seeing them finally walk down the runway later in the year! 

xoxo LLM

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