Today’s Wordle answer: After yesterday’s slightly difficult Wordle solution, we’re back in familiar ground, with the NYT’s WordleBot tool reporting an average of four guesses to solve this one.
Of course, as you are all aware, even a simple Wordle may be challenging, so some advice may be useful. After all, a Wordle failure is never more than six guesses away.
I’ve completed every Wordle and only lost once, so I have plenty of Wordle tips and tricks to share. I’ve also gone through each Wordle solution to look for patterns and have some additional suggestions for you there. If you’re new to Wordle, you should also read my What Is Wordle? guide.
I’ll be updating this blog every day with strategies to help you locate today’s Wordle answer. If the tips aren’t enough, I’ll even give you the solution in case you get stuck or don’t have time to finish today’s puzzle. In case you’re viewing this in a different time zone, I’ve also included my analysis of yesterday’s puzzle, #430.
So be warned: there will be spoilers for game #431. Only continue reading if you want to find out today’s Wordle answer!
My first piece of advice is to use one of the top Wordle start words for each game you play. If you want more particular clues to today’s Wordle answer, here they are:
- It employs vowels in two places.*
- It contains a letter that is repeated.
- It concludes with a highly common letter *
By vowel I, I mean A, E, I, O, U. Other letters, depending on how they are used, are occasionally believed to be vowels.
Those tips should help you find today’s Wordle answer at least partially. If not, you can continue reading for a more detailed hint, or you can jump down further for the solution.
Okay, here’s my final hint: today’s Wordle solution is looking for something.
Now scroll down to get the answer…
Today’s Wordle answerSo, what is the Wordle answer for game #431 today?
Please hold your breath — it’s NEEDY.
At first sight, you would believe this one is more difficult than yesterday’s answer of WOVEN, but dig a bit deeper and it’s not so awful. WordleBot claims that individuals solve it in an average of four minutes, compared to 4.4 for WOVEN, and it does have a handful of advantages.
For starters, it employs significantly more frequent letters than the last puzzle. Sure, one of them, the E, is repeated — but, as I demonstrate in my study of every Wordle solution, the E is the most probable letter to be used more than once in a game. In fact, there are 172 replies with a repeating E, making it more common than a single V from yesterday and just slightly less likely than a single W from yesterday.
Of course, the E is not only repeated here, but it is also doubled in the form EE. This is slightly less common, but with 59 instances, it is tied for the most common double letter with L.
The Y at the end is also useful; Y is the second most likely letter to complete an answer, trailing only E. Meanwhile, the N and D are both rather common overall, though, somewhat surprisingly, the N is only the 18th most likely to begin a Wordle answer.
Today, none of the top Wordle start words will be particularly useful. According to WordleBot, my choice of STARE yielded a single yellow E and left me with 250 options. This was obviously the same result as yesterday’s game, which means that SLATE (329) and CRANE (134) did just as poorly. Anyone else start with DINER? If yes, you did well considering you only had 13 options.
If you’re looking for a list of older Wordle answers, we can also help. Here’s a list going back 20 games.
- Wordle #430: WOVEN
- Wordle #429: MERIT
- Wordle #428: WASTE
- Wordle #427: TREAT
- Wordle #426: SHRUG
- Wordle #425: TWANG
- Wordle #424: TWICE
- Wordle #423: GRUEL
- Wordle #422: POKER
- Wordle #421: KHAKI
- Wordle #420: HUNKY
- Wordle #419: LABEL
- Wordle #418: GLEAN
- Wordle #417: CLING
- Wordle #416: PATTY
- Wordle #415: UNFIT
- Wordle #414: SMEAR
- Wordle #413: ALIEN
- Wordle #412: BUGGY
- Wordle #411: RHYME