Food & Drink Magazine

Today's Review: Stella Artois Raspberry Cidre

By Areviewaday

Today's Review: Stella Artois Raspberry Cidre
After my review of Carling's cherry cider but a few weeks ago, I was surprised to discover a new interesting flavor from Stella Artois, in the form of this raspberry variety. I've been a fan of the other flavours of Cidre, so I was expecting good things from this one.
Turns out it's another hit. The raspberry is very sweet and tasty, without being saccharine. There's a nice tartness that masks the taste of alcohol, so it's extremely drinkable. There may only be three flavours of Cidre to choose from, but this is by far my favorite. It's bold and delicious, and and definitely one of the most refreshing ciders I've tasted.
My rating: 5/5

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