Food & Drink Magazine

Today's Review: Lemsip Max Apple & Cinnamon

By Areviewaday

Today's Review: Lemsip Max Apple & Cinnamon
I've been looking out for festive treats over the last few weeks, but I hardly expected to find one amongst the medicines. It makes sense though, my annual winter head cold is rising, and I need Lemsip to keep it at bay. I can abide the lemon stuff, so I normally go for blackcurrant, but today I was spoilt for choice and had to go with this apple and cinnamon flavor. After all, 'tis the season.
While the blackcurrant is quite dark and flavoursome, I was expecting this one to be quite light and bitter, much like the lemon. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised. It has a crisp, fruity Apple taste, with just a hint of spice that warms up the tastebuds rather than setting them alight. In fact, it tastes quite like apple pie, which may sound strange for a drink, but certainly had a soothing effect on my cold symptoms. If you're suffering in these cold months, a mug of this tasty Lemsip should fix you up.
My rating: 5/5

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