I always do a double take in the freezer aisle when a new Häagen-Dazs flavor pops up, and this honey walnut & cream was no exception. I've had my eye on it for a little while, but I was waiting for a good old fashioned offer to be put on it, because I like a good deal. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long, as I was sent some vouchers so I could try out this new flavor. So here we are.

With the myriad of flavours and chunks that Ben & Jerry seem to be cramming into tubs lately (not a bad thing of course), it's easy to forget that good ice cream can be simpler, as is the case here. This is ice cream made predominantly with fresh cream, completed with a honey swirl and some caramelised walnuts. The result is something very sweet indeed, and I like it. The ice cream definitely has a creamy texture to it, with a fuller flavor than you'd find in your regular vanilla. It looks like the honey up there is akin to a Ben & Jerry's Core, but it does spread to throughout the entire tub. It's a good quality honey, very sweet with a nice syrupy stickiness to it. The walnuts add another layer to the flavour, some crunchy, nutty goodness that's pretty abundant throughout the tub. I would say that the nuts overwhelm the honey a bit, they're both quite sweet and vying for attention, and the swirl doesn't quite reach every spoonful in equal amounts. Still, this is a good tub of ice cream. A simple combination of flavours that works very nicely.
My rating: 4/5