Food & Drink Magazine

Today's Review: Chupa Chups Hell

By Areviewaday

Today's Review: Chupa Chups Hell
My trip to Cyber Candy yesterday rewarded me with some interesting items I've never tried. This stylish black Chupa Chups lolly certainly caught my eye, I was expecting some kind of punishing spicy lollipop, so I just had to grab one.
While I thought it was purely chilli flavoured, I was slightly disappointed. This is in fact a chilli and cherry lollipop, which isn't what I was hoping for, but is actually an interesting combination. The cherry is nice and sweet, as you'd expect from a Chupa Chups. As for the chilli, well, it's pretty tame. I couldn't even detect it at first, but towards the middle the heat became a little more apparent, more of a warm tingle than an intense heat. In the end I was left with a hint of slickness, but I did feel let down. Even a little more chilli would have made this better, but as it is this is a cherry lollipop that just had a bit of an odd taste to it. I want to see a proper chilli lollipop next time, guys.
My rating: 3/5

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